
shrubless, adj.shrublike, adj.
/shrub/, n.
a woody plant smaller than a tree, usually having multiple permanent stems branching from or near the ground.
[bef. 1000; ME shrubbe, OE scrybb brushwood; c. dial. Dan skrub]
/shrub/, n.
any of various acidulated beverages made from the juice of fruit, sugar, and other ingredients, often including alcohol.
[1740-50; < Ar, metathetic var. of shurb drink; see SHERBET]

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Any woody plant that has several stems, none of which is dominant, and is usually less than 10 ft (3 m) tall.

When much-branched and dense, it may be called a bush. Intermediate between shrubs and trees are arborescences, or treelike shrubs (1020 ft, or 36 m, tall). Trees are generally defined as woody plants more than 20 ft (6 m) tall, having a dominant stem, or trunk, and a definite crown shape. These distinctions are not reliable, however; for example, under especially favourable environmental conditions, some shrubs may grow to the size of an arborescence or even a small tree.

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      any woody plant that has several stems, none dominant, and is usually less than 3 m (10 feet) tall. When much-branched and dense, it may be called a bush. Intermediate between shrubs and trees (tree) are arborescences, or treelike shrubs, from 3 to 6 m tall. Trees are generally defined as woody plants more than 6 m tall, having a dominant stem, or trunk, and a definite crown shape. These distinctions are not reliable, however, for there are some shrubs, such as lilacs and honeysuckles, that, under especially favourable environmental conditions, grow to the size of an arborescence or even a small tree. Some specimens of a plant species may take a tree form, whereas others, under different conditions, may assume a shrub or arborescent forme.g., sumacs, willows, and spruces.

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Universalium. 2010.

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