
/kawr net"fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) cornetfish, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) cornetfishes.
any of several slender fishes of the family Fistulariidae, of tropical seas, having an elongated snout and bony plates instead of scales.

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also called  flutemouth 
 any of about four species of extremely long and slim gasterosteiform fishes (fish) that constitute the genus Fistularia. They are found in tropical and temperate nearshore marine waters in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans that are characterized by soft bottoms such as sand flats, coral reefs (coral reef), and sea grasses.

      Cornetfishes are rather flattened from top to bottom. They are either scaleless or have hard plates embedded in their skins and possess an elongated tubular snout that ends in a short, oblique mouth with minute teeth. At the posterior end of the body, a long filament extends outward from the end of the backbone beyond the forked tail fin. This filament, which is often as long as the fish's body, may contain sensory pores that assist in detecting prey. The cornetfishes' bodies and their filaments are measured together; the largest cornetfishes grow to 2 metres (6.6 feet) in length.

      Species include the bluespotted cornetfish (F. tabacaria) and the red cornetfish (F. petimba), which inhabit the Atlantic and western Pacific oceans and the Mediterranean Sea, and the reef cornetfish (F. commersonii) and deepwater cornetfish (F. corneta), which inhabit the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Elanor Bell Amanda Vincent

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Universalium. 2010.

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