
collagist, n.
/keuh lahzh", koh-/, n., v., collaged, collaging. n.
1. a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.
2. a work of art produced by this technique. Cf. assemblage (def. 3).
3. an assemblage or occurrence of diverse elements or fragments in unlikely or unexpected juxtaposition: The experimental play is a collage of sudden scene shifts, long monologues, musical interludes, and slapstick.
4. a film that presents a series of seemingly unrelated scenes or images or shifts from one scene or image to another suddenly and without transition.
5. to make a collage of: The artist has collaged old photos, cartoon figures, and telephone numbers into a unique work of art.
[1915-20; < F, equiv. to colle paste, glue ( < Gk kólla) + -age -AGE]

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(from French coller, "to glue") Pictorial technique of applying printed or found materials (e.g., newspaper, fabric, wallpaper) to a flat surface, often in combination with painting.

Long popular as a pastime for children and amateurs, it was first given serious attention as an art technique by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in 191213. Many other 20th-century artists produced collages, including Juan Gris, Henri Matisse, Joseph Cornell, and Max Ernst. In the 1960s collage was employed as a major form of Pop art, exemplified in the work of Robert Rauschenberg.

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      (French:pasting”), artistic technique of applying manufactured, printed, orfoundmaterials, such as bits of newspaper, fabric, wallpaper, etc., to a panel or canvas, frequently in combination with painting. In the 19th century, papiers collés were created from papers cut out and put together to form decorative compositions. In about 191213 Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque (Braque, Georges) extended this technique, combining fragments of paper, wood, linoleum, and newspapers with oil paint on canvas to form subtle and interesting abstract or semiabstract compositions. The development of the collage by Picasso and Braque contributed largely to the transition from Analytical to Synthetic Cubism.

      The word collage was first used to refer to works by Dada and Surrealist artists, especially Max Ernst (Ernst, Max). His collages were composed of old engravings and prints that had been skillfully cut and pasted together to form disquietingly irrational images. Kurt Schwitters' (Schwitters, Kurt) collages utilized pieces of string, rags, wood, wire, nails, and papers. Henri Matisse's (Matisse, Henri) imaginative papiers découpés, the works of his last years, were an adaptation of the collage technique. The American artist Joseph Cornell (Cornell, Joseph) expanded upon the collage technique in his intimate, mysterious shadow boxes. In the 1960s collage was employed as a major form of Pop art. The Pop-art collage was brought to its high point in the 1960s by Robert Rauschenberg (Rauschenberg, Robert), who combined newspaper and magazine photographs with silk-screen printing to produce images that are amalgams of American history and popular culture.

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