
/kaw'ah wee"lah/, n.
a state in N Mexico. 1,334,000; 58,067 sq. mi. (150,395 sq. km). Cap.: Saltillo.

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State (pop., 2000: 2,298,070), northeastern Mexico.

It covers 57,908 sq mi (149,982 sq km), and its capital is Saltillo. Coahuila occupies a roughly broken plateau intersected by several mountain ranges. The first Spanish settlement in the region was at Saltillo in 1575. Coahuila and Texas formed a single state (182436) until Texas declared its independence. In 1857 Coahuila was combined with Nuevo León, and in 1868 it became a separate state. Its economy is based on livestock raising, agriculture, and mining; southern Coahuila has long been known for the wine and brandy it produces.

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in full  Coahuila de Zaragoza 
 estado (state), northern Mexico. It is bounded by the United States ( Texas) to the north and northeast and by the states of Nuevo León to the east, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas to the south, and Durango and Chihuahua to the west. Saltillo is the capital.

      The state straddles the Sierra Madre Oriental from the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte) to Torreón in the southwest. Most settlements are in the cool, moist highlands in the eastern part of the state, including the capital city. Western Coahuila is mostly desert. One of the state's most scenic areas is Balneario de los Novillos National Park, in the northeast.

      The first Spanish settlement in the region was established at Saltillo in 1575, when the area formed part of Nueva Vizcaya province. Colonial authorities drastically altered the settlement patterns of the region by bringing Tlaxcala Indians there from central Mexico tocivilizethe nomadic and seminomadic Chichimec. Coahuila and Texas formed a single state in 1824, but dissatisfied U.S. settlers in Texas declared their independence in 1836. During the Mexican-American War the strategically important Battle of Buena Vista (Buena Vista, Battle of) (1847) was fought southwest of Saltillo. In 1857 Coahuila was combined with Nuevo León, and in 1868 it became a separate state.

      Coahuila's government is headed by a governor, who is elected to a single six-year term. Members of the unicameral legislature (the House of Deputies) are elected to terms of three years. Coahuila is divided into local governmental units called municipios (municipalities), each of which may include a city or town and its hinterland or a group of villages.

      Irrigation has permitted the development of agriculture in the west; however, water shortages in many of the irrigation projects have reduced output. The chief products are cotton and grapes and other fruits. Corn (maize), wheat, and beans are also cultivated. Southern Coahuila has long been celebrated for its wines and brandies. Minerals exploited include lead, fluorite, barite, cadmium, copper, zinc, gold, silver, and iron. Coahuila has Mexico's largest reserves of coal. maquiladoras (export-oriented assembly plants) account for most of the state's manufactures, including automobile parts and beverages.

      In addition to Saltillo and Torreón, principal towns in Coahuila include the rail hub of Parras de la Fuente and the maquiladora centres of Ciudad Acuña and Piedras Negras, which are across the Rio Grande from the Texas cities of, respectively, Del Rio and Eagle Pass. Coahuila has excellent air and rail connections, and a superhighway between Piedras Negras and Mexico City traverses the state. Area 57,908 square miles (149,982 square km). Pop. (2000) 2,298,070; (2005) 2,495,200.

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Universalium. 2010.

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