
clickless, adj.
/klik/, n.
1. a slight, sharp sound: At the click of the latch, the dog barked.
2. a small device for preventing backward movement of a mechanism, as a detent or pawl.
3. Phonet. any one of a variety of ingressive, usually implosive, speech sounds, phonemic in some languages, produced by suction occlusion and plosive or affricative release.
4. any one of a variety of familiar sounds used in calling or urging on horses or other animals, in expressing reprimand or sympathy, or produced in audible kissing.
5. to emit or make a slight, sharp sound, or series of such sounds, as by the cocking of a pistol: The door clicked shut.
6. Informal.
a. to succeed; make a hit: If the play clicks, the producer will be rich.
b. to fit together; function well together: They get along in public, but their personalities don't really click.
c. to become intelligible.
7. Computers. to depress and release a mouse button rapidly, as to select an icon.
8. to cause to click.
9. to strike together with a click: He clicked his heels and saluted.
[1575-85; perh. imit., but perh. < D klick (n.), klikken (v.)]
/klik/, n. Slang.
a kilometer.
Also, klick, klik.
[1970-75; prob. special use of CLICK1, but sense development unclear]

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In phonetics, a suction sound made in the mouth.

Click sounds occur in various African languages and are often used as interjections in other languages
for example, the sound of disapproval represented in English by tsk, tsk. Clicks are a regular part of the consonant system in the Khoisan languages and in Bantu languages such as Xhosa and Zulu that have been strongly influenced by Khoisan.

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 in phonetics, a suction sound made in the mouth. Click sounds occur in a number of African languages and are often used as interjections in other languagese.g., the sound of disapproval represented in English by tsk, tsk. That sound is an example of a dental click; to make it, the back of the tongue contacts the soft palate and the sides and tip of the tongue touch the teeth. The click noise occurs when the tip of the tongue is lowered. Other click sounds differ in the positions of the tip and blade of the tongue and in the manner of the release of air into the mouth cavity.

      Clicks are a regular part of the consonant system in the Khoisan languages (sometimes called click languages) of such peoples as the Nama and !Xóõ. Linguists have distinguished five distinctive sounds, including dental clicks (as described above), lateral clicks (like the clucking sound made to horses), alveolar clicks (in which the tip of the tongue is on the ridge behind the upper teeth), postalveolar clicks, and, in some dialects, bilabial clicks (making the sound of a kiss), as well as a number of variants. Nguni languages of southern Africa, which include Zulu (Zulu language) and Xhosa (Xhosa language), are believed to have borrowed their clicks from Khoisan languages. See also Khoisan languages, which contains several audio clips.

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Universalium. 2010.

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