
/klef/, n. Music.
a symbol placed upon a staff to indicate the name and pitch of the notes corresponding to its lines and spaces. Cf. bass clef, treble clef, C clef.
[1570-80; < MF < L clavis key]

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(French; "key" )

Musical notation symbol at the beginning of a staff to indicate the pitch of the notes on the staff.

Clefs were originally letters, identifying letter-named pitches, that were affixed to one or more of the staff's lines (thus providing a "key" to their identity). Knowing the identity of a single line permitted the musician to identify all the other lines and spaces above and below. Clefs were first regularly used in the 12th century. The Gothic letter forms of G and F evolved into the modern treble and bass clefs, respectively; the letter C evolved into the rarer alto, tenor, baritone, and soprano clefs.
(as used in expressions)
Fitzgerald Francis Scott Key
key cryptographic
Key David McKendree
Key Francis Scott
novel with a key

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      in musical notation, symbol placed at the beginning of the staff, determining the pitch of a particular line and thus setting a reference for, or giving akeyto, all notes of the staff. Three clef symbols are used today: the treble, bass, and C clefs, stylized forms of the letters G, F, and C, respectively.

      Music for instruments and voices is written in the clef corresponding most closely to the range of their parts. The treble, or G, clef fixes the position of the G above middle C. In modern notation this is invariably the second line from the bottom of the staff:

      The former French violin clef, however, fixed G at the bottom line of the staff:

      Music for the tenor voice (tenor) is usually written in an octave transposing treble clef; a small 8 under the clef indicates that the music is to be sung an octave lower than written:

      The bass, or F, clef sets the position of the F below middle C. In modern notation this is fixed at the second line from the top of the staff:

      The once common baritone clef set F at the middle line:

      The C clef, or movable C clef, determines the position of middle C. It is commonly found in two principal positions: as an alto clef (standard for the viola), in which the middle line carries C:

      and as a tenor clef (used by the trombone, cello, and bassoon), in which middle C occurs on the second line from the top:

      Formerly common forms of the C clef are the soprano clef, with middle C as the bottom line, and the mezzo-soprano clef, with middle C as the second line from the bottom of the staff.

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  • clef — CLEF. s. f. (On pron. Clé, même devant une voyelle.) Instrument fait ordinairement de fer ou d acier, pour ouvrir et fermer une serrure. Petite clef. Grosse clef. Une clef forée. Les dents d une clef. Fausser une clef. Forcer une clef. Une porte …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • clef — CLEF. s. f. On prononce clé. Instrument fait pour ouvrir & fermer une serrure. Petite clef. grosse clef. clef forée. les dents d une clef. fausser, forcer une clef. une porte, un coffre, une armoire qui ferme à clef, est fermée à clef, à la clef …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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