Key West

Key West
1. an island off S Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico. 4 mi. (6.4 km) long; 2 mi. (3.2 km) wide.
2. a seaport on this island: the southernmost city in the U.S.; naval base. 24,292.

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City (pop., 2000: 25,478), southwestern Florida, U.S. The southernmost city of the continental U.S., it lies on an island about 4 mi (6.5 km) long and 1.

5 mi (2.4 km) wide in the western Florida Keys. The name is an English corruption of Cayo Hueso ("Bone Islet"), as it was called by Spanish explorers who found human bones there. In 1822 a U.S. naval depot was set up on Key West as a base of operations against pirates. Now a winter resort, Key West is also a tourist destination. Many writers and artists have lived there, and the homes of Ernest Hemingway and John James Audubon have been preserved.

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 city, seat (1824) of Monroe county, southwestern Florida, the southernmost city within the continental United States. It lies about 100 miles (160 km) from the mainland on a sand and coral island about 4 miles (6.5 km) long and 1.5 miles (2.4 km) wide in the western Florida Keys.

      The name is an English corruption of Cayo Hueso (“Bone Islet”), the name given to it by Spanish explorers who found human bones there. In 1815 the Spanish crown granted the island to a Spanish army officer, Juan Pablo Salas, who sold it to American businessman John Simonton in 1822. That year the island was occupied by U.S. forces under Matthew C. Perry (Perry, Matthew C), and a naval depot was soon established by David Porter (Porter, David) as a base of operations against pirates. In 1886 a fire destroyed much of the town, which was subsequently rebuilt.

      The city's early economy was based on fishing, salvaging shipwrecks, and cigar making. Throughout its history Key West has been a centre of military activity. It played an important role in the Spanish-American War (1898), and a U.S. naval air station has long been nearby. The railroad arrived in 1912, but was destroyed by a hurricane in 1935. It was replaced by the Overseas Highway (opened 1938), which connected the keys by 42 bridges (including one 7 miles [11 km] long) over vast expanses of water. The independent nature of Key West's citizens was demonstrated in April 1982 when they protested the federal government's imposition of a roadblock on the Overseas Highway (to search for illegal drugs) by staging a mock secession from the United States. The roadblock was removed, and the success of the self-declared Conch Republic has since been celebrated with an annual festival. Tourism and fishing are the basis of the city's modern economy.

      Key West possesses a unique blend of Cuban, West Indian, Bahamian, and American atmosphere. The city is known for its architecture, particularly its many 19th-century wooden homes, and as a haven for writers, artists, and those preferring less conventional lifestyles. The home of Ernest Hemingway (Hemingway, Ernest) and the house that ornithologist John James Audubon (Audubon, John James) occupied while living there are two of the many vintage structures that have been preserved. The city has a large gay and lesbian population.

      Key West lies within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, created in 1990. Several national wildlife refuges are in the area, and Dry Tortugas National Park (1992) is about 70 miles (115 km) west. Fort Zachary Taylor State Historic Site and the Key West Aquarium are in the city. The Mel Fisher Maritime Museum displays shipwreck artifacts, the Key West Shipwreck Historeum includes a re-creation of a shipwreck and salvage, and the Wreckers' Museum has exhibits on the city's former industry. The Hemingway Days Festival is held annually in July. Key West is the seat of Florida Keys Community College (1965). Inc. 1828. Pop. (1990) 24,832; (2000) 25,478.

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Universalium. 2010.

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