
/si"treuhn/, n.
1. a pale-yellow fruit resembling the lemon but larger and with thicker rind, borne by a small tree or large bush, Citrus medica, allied to the lemon and lime.
2. the tree itself.
3. the rind of the fruit, candied and preserved.
4. a grayish-green yellow color.
5. See citron melon.
6. having the color citron.
[1375-1425; late ME < MF < It citrone < L citr(us) CITRUS + It -one aug. suffix]

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Small evergreen tree or shrub (Citrus medica).

A member of the rue family, citron is cultivated in Mediterranean countries and the West Indies. It has irregular, spreading, spiny branches and large, pale green, broadly oblong leaves. The flowers of the acidic varieties (e.g., the Diamante) are purple on the outside and white on the inside; those of sweet varieties (e.g., the Corsican) are creamy white. The oval or oblong fruit yields firm pulp, either acidic or sweet, that is used only for by-products. The thick peel is cured in brine, candied, and sold as a confection. The fruit of the Etrog variety is used in Jewish religious rites.

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 (Citrus medica), small evergreen tree or shrub in the family Rutaceae, cultivated in Mediterranean countries and the West Indies. It grows to about 3.5 m (11.5 feet) high and has irregular, spreading, spiny branches. The leaves are large, pale green, broadly oblong, and slightly serrate with wingless petioles. The flowers of the acidic varieties, such as the Diamante, are purple on the outside and white on the inside, while those of sweet varieties, such as the Corsican, are creamy white. The oval or oblong fruit is protuberant at the tip, about 12 to 15 cm (5 to 6 inches) long, and furrowed. The inner portion of the adhesive rind is thick, white, and fleshy; the outer is thin, greenish yellow, and fragrant. The pulp is firm, either acidic or sweet, and used only for by-products. The thick peel is cured in brine, candied, and sold as a confection. The fruit of the Etrog variety of citron is used in Jewish religious rites.

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