rue family

rue family
the plant family Rutaceae, characterized by trees and shrubs having simple or compound aromatic leaves, fragrant flowers, and fruit in a variety of forms, and including the citruses, the gas plant, Hercules'-club, and rue.

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or citrus family

Family Rutaceae, made up of about 1,700 species of woody shrubs and trees (and a few herbaceous perennials) in 160 genera.

Valuable for timber, edible fruits, and as ornamentals, members are found worldwide in warm temperate and tropical regions. The flowers are conspicuous for their colour, fragrance, and nectar. Economically important fruits in the family include the lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, citron, and kumquat. Among the ornamentals are common rue (Ruta graveolens) and the unusual burning bush, or gas plant, (Dictamnus albus), whose aromatic leaves contain oil glands that, when squeezed, release a gas ignitable by a match.

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Universalium. 2010.

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