
/sist/, n. Class. Antiq.
a box or chest, esp. for sacred utensils.
[1795-1805; < L cista < Gk kíste CHEST]
cisted, adj.cistic, adj.
/sist, kist/, n.
a prehistoric sepulchral tomb or casket.
Also, kist.
[1795-1805; < Welsh < L cista. See CIST1]

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funerary object
also called  Stone Chest,  

      prehistoric European coffin containing a body or ashes, usually made of stone or a hollowed-out tree; also, a storage place for sacred objects. “Cisthas also been used in a more general sense to refer to the stone burial place itself, usually built in the form of a dolmen, with several upright stone slabs supporting a flat roofing stone.

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