
circuital, adj.
/serr"kit/, n.
1. an act or instance of going or moving around.
2. a circular journey or one beginning and ending at the same place; a round.
3. a roundabout journey or course.
4. a periodical journey from place to place, to perform certain duties, as by judges to hold court, ministers to preach, or salespeople covering a route.
5. the persons making such a journey.
6. the route followed, places visited, or district covered by such a journey.
7. the line going around or bounding any area or object; the distance about an area or object.
8. the space within a bounding line; district: the circuit of the valley.
9. Elect.
a. Also called electric circuit. the complete path of an electric current, including the generating apparatus, intervening resistors, or capacitors.
b. any well-defined segment of a complete circuit.
10. Telecommunications. a means of transmitting communication signals or messages, usually comprising two channels for interactive communication. Cf. channel1 (def. 12).
11. a number of theaters, nightclubs, etc., controlled by the same owner or manager or visited in turn by the same entertainers or acting companies.
12. a league or association: He used to play baseball for the Texas circuit.
13. ride circuit, Law. (of a judge) to travel a judicial county or district in order to conduct judicial proceedings.
14. to go or move around; make the circuit of.
15. to go or move in a circuit.
[1350-1400; ME < L circuitus, var. of circumitus circular motion, cycle, equiv. to circu(m)i-, var. s. of circu(m)ire to go round, circle (circum- CIRCUM- + ire to go) + -tus suffix of v. action; cf. AMBIT, EXIT]
Syn. 2. tour, revolution, orbit. 7. circumference, perimeter, periphery, boundary, compass. 8. region, compass, area, range, field. 11. chain.

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Path that transmits electric current.

A circuit includes a battery or a generator that gives energy to the charged particles; devices that use current, such as lamps, motors, or electronic computers; and connecting wires or transmission lines. Circuits can be classified according to the type of current they carry (see alternating current, direct current) or according to whether the current remains whole (series) or divides to flow through several branches simultaneously (parallel). Two basic laws that describe the performance of electric circuits are Ohm's law and Kirchhoff's circuit rules. See also tuned circuit.
(as used in expressions)
Kirchhoff's circuit rules

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Universalium. 2010.

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