tuned circuit

tuned circuit
Electrically conducting pathway containing both inductance and capacitance elements.

When these elements are connected in series, the circuit presents low electrical impedance to alternating current of the same frequency as the resonance frequency of the circuit and high impedance to current of other frequencies. The circuit's resonance frequency is determined by the values of inductance and capacitance. When the circuit elements are connected in parallel, the impedance is high at the resonance frequency and low at other frequencies. With their ability to pass only certain frequencies, tuned circuits are important in, for example, radio and television receivers.

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      any electrically conducting pathway containing both inductive and capacitive elements. If these elements are connected in series, the circuit presents low impedance to alternating current of the resonant frequency, which is determined by the values of the inductance and capacitance, and high impedance to current of other frequencies.

      In a parallel-connected tuned circuit, the impedance is high at the resonant frequency, low at others. See also resonance.

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