
chlorellaceous /klawr'euh lay"sheuhs, klohr'-/, adj.
/kleuh rel"euh/, n.
any freshwater, unicellular green alga of the genus Chlorella.
[1890; < NL; see CHLOR-1, -ELLA]

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Any green algae of the genus Chlorella, found in fresh or salt water and in soil.

They have a cup-shaped chloroplast. Chlorellas are used often in studies of photosynthesis, in mass cultivation experiments, and for purifying sewage wastes. Because they multiply rapidly and are rich in proteins and in B-complex vitamins, they have been studied as a potential food product for humans both on Earth and in outer space. Chlorella farms, closed systems that provide humans with food, water, and oxygen, have been established in the U.S., Japan, The Netherlands, Germany, and Israel.

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genus of algae
      genus of green algae found either singly or clustered in fresh or salt water and in soil. The alga cell is spherical and has a cup-shaped chloroplast. Chlorella's reproduction is asexual by nonmotile reproductive cells (autospores). It has been extensively used in photosynthetic studies, in mass cultivation experiments, and for purifying sewage effluents. Because Chlorella multiplies rapidly and is rich in proteins and B-complex vitamins, it has also been studied as a potential food product for humans both on Earth and in outer space. Chlorella farms have been established in the United States, Japan, The Netherlands, Germany, and Israel. Chlorella's effectiveness in sewage purification depends on its synthesis of a growth-inhibiting substance (chlorellin) that may suppress bacterial growth.

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Universalium. 2010.

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