
cherrylike, adj.
/cher"ee/, n., pl. cherries, adj.
1. the fruit of any of various trees belonging to the genus Prunus, of the rose family, consisting of a pulpy, globular drupe enclosing a one-seeded smooth stone.
2. the tree bearing such a fruit.
3. the wood of such a tree.
4. any of various fruits or plants resembling the cherry.
5. bright red; cerise.
6. Slang (often vulgar).
a. the hymen.
b. the state of virginity.
7. Slang.
a. something new or unused.
b. a novice.
8. Underworld Slang. a first offender.
9. Bowling. the striking down of only the forward pin or pins in attempting to make a spare.
10. bright-red; cerise.
11. (of food and beverages) made with or containing cherries or cherrylike flavoring: cherry pie; cherry soda.
12. (of furniture, woodwork, etc.) made of or covered or decorated with wood from the cherry tree.
13. Slang (often vulgar). being a virgin.
14. Slang.
a. new or unused: a three-year-old car in cherry condition.
b. inexperienced; being an innocent novice.
[1300-50; ME cheri var. of chirie, back formation from OE ciris- (taken for pl.) VL *ceresium for *cerasium (L cerasum) < Gk kerásion cherry]

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Any of various trees of the genus Prunus and their edible fruits.

Most are native to the Northern Hemisphere, where they are widely grown. Three types are grown mainly for their fruit: sweet cherries (P. avium); sour, or tart, cherries (P. cerasus); and, to a much lesser extent, dukes (crosses of sweet and sour cherries). Sweet-cherry trees are large, and their fruit is generally heart-shaped to nearly globular, varies in colour from yellow through red to nearly black, and has a low acid content. Sour-cherry trees are smaller and bear fruit that is round to oblate, generally dark red, and more acidic. Dukes are intermediate in both tree and fruit characteristics. The wood of some cherry species is especially esteemed for the manufacture of fine furniture. Ornamental varieties selected for the beauty of their flowers are a common feature of gardens.

Sour cherry (Prunus cerasus).

Grant Heilman Photography

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 any of various trees belonging to species of Prunus and their edible fruits. Most cherry species are native to the Northern Hemisphere, where they are widely grown. Some 10 to 12 species are recognized in North America and a similar number in Europe. The greatest concentration of species, however, appears to be in eastern Asia.

      Three types of cherry are mainly grown for their fruit. These are the sweet cherries, P. avium, the sour, or tart, cherries, P. cerasus, and, grown to a much smaller extent, the dukes, which are crosses of sweet and sour cherries. Sweet-cherry trees are large and rather upright, attaining heights up to 11 metres (36 feet). The fruit is generally heart-shaped to nearly globular, about 2 centimetres (1 inch) in diameter, and varies in colour from yellow through red to nearly black. The acid content of the sweet cherry is low; the higher acid content of the sour cherry produces its characteristic tart flavour. Sour-cherry trees are smaller, rarely over 5 m in height. The fruit is round to oblate in shape, generally dark red in colour, and it has so much acid that it is not appealing for eating fresh. The duke cherries are intermediate in both tree and fruit characteristics. The fruits of all varieties provide vitamin A and small amounts of such minerals as calcium and phosphorus.

      The native habitat of the species from which the cultivated cherries came is believed to be western Asia and eastern Europe from the Caspian Sea to the Balkans. Cherries had spread throughout Europe, however, before agricultural history was recorded.

      Cherries are grown in all areas of the world where winter temperatures are not too severe and where summer temperatures are moderate. They require winter cold in order to blossom in spring. The trees bloom quite early in the spring, just after peaches and earlier than apples.

      The U.S. is the leading cherry producer, with an annual crop of 230,000 metric tons. Cherries are a major crop in western Europe, however; total production is about 700,000 tons annually, with Germany, Italy, France, and Switzerland the leaders. Turkey, Japan, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and Canada also produce substantial quantities. About three-quarters of the U.S. production is sour cherries, which are frozen or canned and used in sauces and pastries, notably cherry pie. Sweet cherries, in season, are consumed fresh and widely canned and are the principal type preserved in true or imitation maraschino liqueur. In Europe the fruit is used fresh, canned, or for wine.

      The wood of a number of cherry species is close grained, dark red in colour, and especially esteemed for the manufacture of fine furniture.

      In the Orient, particularly Japan, cherry varieties have been selected for the beauty of their flowers; most of them do not set fruit. These beautiful ornamentals are featured in many gardens and after about 1900 were widely disseminated throughout the moderate-temperature areas of North America and Europe. The Japanese flowering cherries around the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C., were presented by the mayor of Tokyo in 1912.

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