

      in ancient Greek religion, a destructive spirit. Popular belief attributed death and illness to the action of impersonal powers, often spoken of in the plural (Keres). The word was also used of an individual's doom, with a meaning resembling the notion of destiny, as when Zeus weighs the Keres of Achilles and Hector in Iliad, Book XXII. Hesiod says they are the children of Nyx (Night). In the Hesiodic Shield of Heracles, they are portrayed as blood-sucking monsters who drag the bodies of those slain in battle to the Underworld. In the Attic festival of the Anthesteria, when the spirits of the dead were expelled from the house, they were addressed as Keres; thus some scholars suppose that this was the original meaning of the word.

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Universalium. 2010.

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