
/shan"seuhn/; Fr. /shahonn sawonn"/, n., pl. chansons /-seuhnz/; Fr. /-sawonn"/.
any of several types of song with French lyrics, occurring from the Middle Ages to the present in a variety of musical styles.
[1595-1605; < F < L cantion- (s. of cantio) song; see CANZONE]

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French art song.

The unaccompanied chanson for a single voice part, composed by the troubadours and later the trouvères, first appeared in the 12th century. Accompanied chansons, with parts for one or more instruments, were written in the 14th15th centuries by Guillaume de Machaut and others in the strict formes fixes ("fixed forms"). About 1,500 chansons for several voices began to be written by Josquin des Prez and his contemporaries. In recent centuries the term has often been used for any cabaret-style French song.
(as used in expressions)
Song Huizong
Song of the Nibelungs
song play
Song of Roland
vessel of song
Song Hong
Yi Song gye

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      (French:song”), French art song of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The chanson before 1500 is preserved mostly in large manuscript collections called chansonniers.

      Dating back to the 12th century, the monophonic chanson reached its greatest popularity with the trouvères (trouvère) of the 13th century, and can still be found in the mid-14th-century lais (a verse-song form) of the composer and poet Guillaume de Machaut (Machaut, Guillaume de). Only the melodies survive. The monophonic chansons show the development of intricate musico-poetic forms deriving from the songs of the slightly earlier counterparts of the trouvères, the troubadours (troubadour). These forms were eventually simplified to become the formes fixes (“fixed forms”) of the accompanied chanson.

      The accompanied chansonfor a solo voice with written parts for one or more accompanying instrumentsdominated French song from Machaut until Hayne van Ghizeghem and Antoine Busnois at the end of the 15th century. Almost all accompanied chansons adhere to one of the three formes fixes: ballade, rondeau, or virelai (qq.v.). The style is sophisticated, and the songs are evidently written for a court audience with high artistic aspirations and a cultivated taste. The general subject matter was courtly love.

      The chanson for vocal ensemble had several antecedents. A chanson designed for two or three had appeared; around 1460 the polytextual chanson was in evidence, with two or more singers singing different texts simultaneously. By the end of the 15th century composers were beginning to look to a new kind of chanson texture. The work of the Flemish composer Josquin des Prez shows the gradual change to a style of chanson with four voices singing the same text, sometimes in melodic imitation but also in a homophonic (chordal) style.

      In the next century the four-voice style gave way to five and six. Although the formes fixes of the previous two centuries were no longer used, the formal control and standard patterns of the chansons separates them from the Italian madrigals of the same years. Only later, in the work of Adriaan Willaert (Willaert, Adriaan) and Jacques Arcadelt (Arcadelt, Jacob) (both of whom also wrote madrigals) did the styles begin to merge as the formal design of the chanson became less strictly reliant on balanced phrases and repeated material and more determined by the melodic imitation as a basis for structure.

      The later years of the 16th century saw the perfection of the polyphonic (multipart, usually with interwoven melodic lines) chanson in the work of Orlando di Lasso; (Lasso, Orlando di) and they saw the more homophonic style influenced by the attempt to match words to music in the measured verse à l'antique proposed by the members of La Pléiade (Pléiade, La) (a French society seeking a return to classical poetry and music) exemplified in the work of Claude Le Jeune (Le Jeune, Claude). After 1600 the chanson yielded to a new kind of song: the air de cour for solo voice with lute accompaniment.

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