
/ron"doh, ron doh"/, n., pl. rondeaux /-dohz, -dohz"/.
1. Pros. a short poem of fixed form, consisting of 13 or 10 lines on two rhymes and having the opening words or phrase used in two places as an unrhymed refrain.
2. a 13th-century monophonic song form consisting of two phrases, each repeated several times, and occurring in the 14th and 15th centuries in polyphonic settings.
3. a 17th-century musical form consisting of a refrain alternating with contrasting couplets, developing in the 18th century into the sonata-rondo form.
[1515-25; < MF: little circle; see RONDEL]

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One of several formes fixes (fixed forms) in French lyric poetry and song of the 14th15th century, later popular with many English poets.

The rondeau has only two rhymes (allowing no repetition of rhyme words) and consists of 13 or 15 lines of 8 or 10 syllables divided into three stanzas. The beginning of the first line of the first stanza serves as the refrain of the second and third stanzas.

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poetry and music
plural  rondeaux 

      one of several formes fixes (“fixed forms”) in French lyric poetry and song of the 14th and 15th centuries. The full form of a rondeau consists of four stanzas. The first and last are identical; the second half of the second stanza is a short refrain, which has as its text the first half of the first stanza.

      The earliest rondeaux had stanzas of two or three lines; later, especially in the 15th century, stanzas of four, five, or even six lines were common. Because of the unwieldy length of the refrains in such cases, the literary rondeau, which in the 15th century began to separate itself clearly from the sung rondeau, often curtailed the refrains in the second and fourth stanzas, leaving only a rentrement (“reentry”) of the opening words. This truncation often produced unexpected changes of meaning.

      Such curtailment probably never took place in the sung rondeau because the musical form required that refrains be complete. The music for the first stanza always had two parts and was repeated for the third and fourth stanzas; the second stanza consisted of the music of the first part of the first stanza repeated twice. In the following diagram the repeats of music with new text appear in lowercase, while exact repeats (of text and music) are in uppercase:

      To adapt this form to include the curtailed rentrement would require adjustment tantamount to overthrowing the form. The musical form of the full rondeau had a peculiar strength because the triple repetition of theasection in the second and third stanzas made the eventual return of thebsection in the third stanza a moment of immense significance, its weight requiring the balance provided by the final full refrain.

      The earliest-known rondeaux with polyphonic music are by the 13th-century poet and composer Adam De La Halle. These brief pieces already follow the bipartite musical form strictly. The 14th-century poet and composer Guillaume de Machaut (Machaut, Guillaume de) wrote fewer than 30 musical rondeaux, but they constitute the most varied and inventive portion of his oeuvre. Partly because of the wide range that Machaut found and demonstrated in the rondeau, it had, by the middle of the 15th century, virtually supplanted the other song forms. For Machaut and his successors, the rondeau was a highly intimate form compared with the other formes fixes, and the texts often display the mood of slightly sentimental longing that was to characterize the courtly love tradition in its later stages.

      In the 15th century the Burgundian composers Guillaume Dufay (Dufay, Guillaume) and Gilles Binchois (Binchois, Gilles) wrote many rondeaux. Perhaps the most memorable song of the century is the rondeauDe plus en plus” (“More and More”) of Binchois, while the most widely appreciated at the time was the infinitely more delicatePar le regart de vos beaux yeulx” (“For a Glance from Your Lovely Eyes”) of Dufay. Such songs would represent the peak of the rondeau's history were it not for the long, fine songs of Hayne van Ghizeghem, written in the last years of the supremacy of the Burgundian dukes. The end of the 15th century saw the abandonment of the medieval formes fixes. The rondeau was the only form to have survived 200 years without any significant change; it was perhaps ideally designed and balanced to express the spirit of its time.

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