
/sham"ee/; Fr. /shann mwah"/, n., pl. chamois, chamoix /sham"eez/; Fr. /shann mwah"/, v., chamoised /sham"eed/, chamoising /sham"ee ing/.
1. an agile, goatlike antelope, Rupicapra rupicapra, of high mountains of Europe: now rare in some areas.
2. a soft, pliable leather from any of various skins dressed with oil, esp. fish oil, originally prepared from the skin of the chamois.
3. a piece of this leather.
4. a cotton cloth finished to simulate this leather.
5. a medium to grayish yellow color.
6. to dress (a pelt) with oil in order to produce a chamois.
7. to rub or buff with a chamois.
Also, chammy, shammy, shamoy (for defs. 2-4, 6, 7).
[1525-35; < MF < LL camox, presumably of pre-L orig.; cf. GEMS]

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genus of mammals
plural  chamois  or  chamoix  

      either of two species of goatlike animal, belonging to the family Bovidae (bovid) (order Artiodactyla (artiodactyl)), that are native to the mountains of Europe and the Middle East. The two species are the Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica), which is found in the Cantabrian Mountains, Pyrenees, and central Apennines (Apennine Range), and the chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), which is distributed from the western Alps and the Tatra Mountains to the Caucasus and northern Turkey.

      A chamois is about 80 cm (31 inches) tall at the shoulder and weighs 2550 kg (55110 pounds). Both sexes possess vertical horns that hook sharply backward at the ends. Males are slightly larger than females. Their colour is relatively variable, but all subspecies of chamois have black and white face markings and a black tail and legs. The chamois is chestnut brown to black in winter and pale brown in summer. In winter, the Pyrenean chamois has two large whitish shoulder patches and a large pale rump patch; it is reddish brown in summer. A thick underfur develops in cold weather.

      Chamois live in small herds. The older males join these only in November during the rutting season, when they engage in fierce battles for mates. The chamois's skull is fragile and not adapted for clashing head-on, as goats (goat) and sheep do; instead, chamois chase each other up and down steep cliffs and meadows, trying to gore the throat, abdomen, and groin of the chased individual. Before starting a fight, they usually engage in long sequences of dominance displays in which they present their sides, attack bushes with their horns, call threats at each other, and scent-mark grass blades or stems. Females fight more often than males, but they engage in nonlethal attacks on their opponents' shoulders and rump. gestation lasts about 21 weeks, and the usual number of offspring is one. In summer the surefooted chamois may ascend up to the snowline; in winter they often descend to wooded regions. The popular sport of chamois hunting reduced their populations in many areas, but improved management regimes in the 20th century rebuilt their numbers throughout most of their range. Agile and wary, chamois are difficult to approach where they are hunted. They feed in summer on herbs and flowers (flower) and in winter on young shoots, lichens (lichen), and grass dug out of snow.

      The soft, pliant skin of the chamois is made into the originalchammy,” orshammy,” leather. The flesh is prized as venison. In the 20th century chamois were introduced into New Zealand, where their numbers quickly increased up to almost 100,000 by the 1970s and where they threatened the local vegetation. The chamois population has since decreased by about 20,000. Gemsbock, a German name for the male chamois, is applied, as gemsbok, to a southern African oryx.

Sandro Lovari

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Universalium. 2010.

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