- chalcedony
/kal sed"n ee, kal"seuh doh'nee/, n., pl. chalcedonies.a microcrystalline, translucent variety of quartz, often milky or grayish.[1275-1325; ME calcedonie < LL chalcedonius (Vulgate, Rev. XIX, 19), equiv. to chalcedon- ( < Gk chalkedón chalcedony, identified by Saint Jerome with Chalcedon, the city) + -ius -IOUS]
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or calcedonyA form of chert, it occurs in a great variety of colours, usually bluish white, gray, yellow, or brown. Other physical properties are those of quartz. For centuries, chalcedony has been the stone most used by gem engravers, and many varieties are still cut and polished as ornamental stones. See also agate; carnelian; onyx.* * *
▪ minerala very fine-grained (cryptocrystalline) variety of the silica mineral quartz (q.v.). A form of chert, it occurs in concretionary, mammillated, or stalactitic forms of waxy lustre and has a compact fibrous structure, a fine splintery fracture, and a great variety of colours—usually bluishwhite, gray, yellow, or brown. Other physical properties are those of quartz (see silica mineral [table]).In all ages chalcedony has been the stone most used by the gem engraver, and many coloured varieties are still cut and polished as ornamental stones. Chalcedonic pseudomorphs after other minerals often give rise to very interesting specimens. Hollow nodules of chalcedony containing water and an air bubble that is visible through the semitransparent wall have been found.* * *
Universalium. 2010.