
/vul"gayt, -git/, n.
1. the Latin version of the Bible, prepared chiefly by Saint Jerome at the end of the 4th century A.D., and used as the authorized version of the Roman Catholic Church.
2. (l.c.) any commonly recognized text or version of a work.
3. of or pertaining to the Vulgate.
4. (l.c.) commonly used or accepted; common.
[ < LL vulgata (editio) popular (edition); vulgata, fem. ptp. of vulgare to make common, publish, deriv. of vulgus the public. See VULGAR, -ATE1]

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▪ sacred text
      (from the Latin editio vulgata: “common version”), Latin Bible used by the Roman Catholic Church (Roman Catholicism), primarily translated by St. Jerome (Jerome, Saint). In 382 Pope Damasus commissioned Jerome, the leading biblical scholar of his day, to produce an acceptable Latin version of the Bible from the various translations then being used. His revised Latin translation of the Gospels appeared about 383. Using the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament, he produced new Latin translations of the Psalms (the so-called Gallican Psalter), the Book of Job, and some other books. Later, he decided that the Septuagint was unsatisfactory and began translating the entire Old Testament from the original Hebrew versions, a process that he completed about 405.

      Jerome's translation was not immediately accepted, but from the mid-6th century a complete Bible with all the separate books bound in a single cover was commonly used. It usually contained Jerome's Old Testament translation from the Hebrew, except for the Psalms; his Gallican Psalter; his translation of the books of Tobias (Tobit) and Judith (apocryphal in the Jewish and Protestant canons); and his revision of the Gospels. The remainder of the New Testament was taken from older Latin versions, which may have been slightly revised by Jerome. Certain other books found in the Septuagint—the Apocrypha for Protestants and Jews; the deuterocanonical books for Roman Catholics—were included from older versions.

      Various editors and correctors produced revised texts of the Vulgate over the years. The University of Paris produced an important edition in the 13th century. Its primary purpose was to provide an agreed standard for theological teaching and debate. The earliest printed Vulgate Bibles were all based on this Paris edition.

      In 1546 the Council of Trent decreed that the Vulgate was the exclusive Latin authority for the Bible, but it required also that it be printed with the fewest possible faults. The so-called Clementine Vulgate, issued by Pope Clement VIII in 1592, became the authoritative biblical text of the Roman Catholic Church. From it the Confraternity Version was translated in 1941.

      Various critical editions have been produced in modern times; in 1965 a commission was established by the second Vatican Council to revise the Vulgate.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • vulgate — [ vylgat ] n. f. • version vulgate déb. XVIIe; lat. vulgata (versio), proprt « (version) répandue », de vulgare « répandre dans le public » ♦ Relig. Version latine de la Bible, due à saint Jérôme et adoptée par le concile de Trente. ● vulgate nom …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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