
/sel"yeuh loyd'/, n.
1. a tough, highly flammable substance consisting essentially of cellulose nitrate and camphor, used in the manufacture of motion-picture and x-ray film and other products.
2. motion-picture film.
3. Informal. of or involving motion pictures.
[former trademark; CELLUL(OSE) + -OID]

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Name for the first synthetic plastic material, developed in 1869.

Made of a colloid of cellulose nitrate (nitrocellulose) plasticized with camphor, it is tough, cheap to produce, and resistant to water, oils, and dilute acids. It found a great variety of uses in combs, films, toys, and many other mass-produced consumer goods. Though it has been replaced in many uses by nonflammable synthetic polymers (originally cellulose acetate and Bakelite, then a host of others), it is still manufactured and used.

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synthetic plastic
      the first synthetic plastic material, developed by the American inventor John Wesley Hyatt (Hyatt, John Wesley) in the late 1860s from a homogeneous colloidal dispersion of cellulose nitrate and camphor. A tough material, with great tensile strength, resistance to water, oils, and dilute acids, capable of low-cost production in a variety of colours, it found a great variety of applications in combs, collars, films, toys, and many other mass-produced consumer goods. Although its flammability led to its replacement in many of these uses by newer synthetic polymers, celluloid has continued to be manufactured and widely used in Europe, the United States, Japan, and elsewhere. See also Bakelite.

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