
/kas'ee euh dawr"euhs, -dohr"-/, n.
Flavius Magnus Aurelius, died A.D. 575, Roman statesman and writer.

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in full Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus

born 490, Scylletium, Bruttium, kingdom of the Ostrogoths
died с 585, Vivarium Monastery, near Scylletium

Historian, statesman, and monk who helped preserve Roman culture after the collapse of the Roman Empire.

He was secretary to Theodoric and later held other high imperial offices. Soon after 540 he founded a monastery to perpetuate the culture of Rome. He collected pagan and Christian manuscripts and had the monks copy them, establishing a practice continued in later centuries. His own works included the Chronicon, a history of mankind to 519; De anima, on the soul after death; and Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum, on the study of scripture and the seven liberal arts.

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in full  Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus  
born AD 490, , Scylletium, Bruttium, kingdom of the Ostrogoths [now Squillace, Italy]
died c. 585, Vivarium Monastery, near Scylletium

      historian, statesman, and monk who helped to save the culture of Rome at a time of impending barbarism.

      During the period of the Ostrogothic kings in Italy, Cassiodorus was quaestor (507511), consul in 514, and, at the death of Theodoric in 526, magister officiorum (“chief of the civil service”). Under Athalaric he became praetorian prefect in 533. Not long after 540 he retired and founded a monastery named Vivarium, to perpetuate the culture of Rome. Cassiodorus was neither a great writer nor a great scholar, but his importance in the history of Western culture can hardly be overestimated. He collected manuscripts and enjoined his monks to copy the works of pagan as well as Christian authors; to this is due the preservation of many ancient authors' writings, for his monastery set an example that was followed elsewhere in later centuries.

      His works fall into two groups: (1) historical and political and (2) theological and grammatical. In the first category are the Variae, 12 books published in or not much later than 537, which contain, as models of style, 468 official letters and documents that Cassiodorus composed in the names of Theodoric, Athalaric, Theodat, and Vitiges, as well as the edicts he issued as praetorian prefect; and the Chronicon (519), a history of mankind from Adam to 519. Among the second grouping of his works are De anima, which is mainly concerned with the nature of the soul and life after death, and the Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum, which is perhaps the most important of his works. Written for his monks, the first part discusses the study of scripture and touches on the Christian fathers and historians. The second part, widely used in the Middle Ages, gives a brief exposition of the seven liberal arts, a kind of encyclopaedia of pagan learning regarded as indispensable for understanding the Bible. The De orthographia, a compilation made by Cassiodorus in his 93rd year from the works of eight grammarians, is valuable because it contains extracts from works now lost. His De artibus ac disciplinis liberalium litterarum contains one of the principal sources of early medieval music theory, Institutiones musicae.

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