Transylvanian Alps

Transylvanian Alps
a mountain range in S Rumania, forming a SW extension of the Carpathian Mountains. Highest peak, Mt. Negoiul, 8345 ft. (2544 m).

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mountains, Romania
also called  Southern Carpathians , Romanian  Carpaţii Meridionali 
 mountainous region of south-central Romania. It consists of that section of the Carpathian Mountain arc from the Prahova River valley (east) to the gap in which flow the Timiş and Cerna rivers.

      Average elevation in the Transylvanian Alps is 4,9205,740 feet (1,5001,750 m). The highest point in Romania, Mount Moldoveanu (8,346 feet [2,544 m]), is in the Făgăraş Range, southeast of the city of Sibiu. The total length is about 155 miles (250 km). The Transylvanian Alps include three groups of ranges. They are a higher, more continuous, and more impassable section of the Carpathians than the eastern and western segments and are broken only by four passes. There is one major intermontane depression, the Petroşani. The Carpathian ranges, formed in Tertiary times, are part of the AlpineHimalayan system and of the eastern arm of the European Alpine fold chain.

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Universalium. 2010.

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