
/kam"euhr euh, kam"reuh/, n., pl. cameras for 1,2, camerae /-euh ree/ for 3, adj.
1. a boxlike device for holding a film or plate sensitive to light, having an aperture controlled by a shutter that, when opened, admits light enabling an object to be focused, usually by means of a lens, on the film or plate, thereby producing a photographic image.
2. (in a television transmitting apparatus) the device in which the picture to be televised is formed before it is changed into electric impulses.
3. a judge's private office.
4. in camera,
a. Law. in the privacy of a judge's chambers.
b. privately.
5. off camera, out of the range of a television or motion-picture camera.
6. on camera, being filmed or televised by a live camera: Be sure to look alert when you are on camera.
7. Print. camera-ready.
[1700-10; < L camera vaulted room, vault < Gk kamára vault; see CHAMBER]

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Device for recording an image of an object on a light-sensitive surface (see photography).

It is essentially a light-tight box with an opening (aperture) to admit light focused onto a sensitized film or plate. All cameras have included five crucial components: (1) the camera box, which holds and protects the sensitive film from all light except that entering through the lens; (2) film, on which the image is recorded; (3) the light control, consisting of an aperture or diaphragm and a shutter, both often adjustable; (4) the lens, which focuses the light rays from the subject onto the film, creating the image; and (5) the viewing system, which may be separate from the lens system (usually above it) or may operate through it by means of a mirror. The camera was inspired by the camera obscura
a dark enclosure with an aperture (usually provided with a lens) through which light enters to form an image of outside objects on the opposite surface
and was developed by Nicephore Niepce and L.-J.-M. Daguerre in the early 19th century. See also digital camera.

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      in photography (photography, technology of), device for recording an image of an object on a light-sensitive surface; it is essentially a light-tight box with an aperture to admit light focused onto a sensitized film or plate.

      A brief treatment of cameras follows. For full treatment, see photography, technology of: Cameras and lenses (photography, technology of). See also digital camera.

      Though there are many types of cameras, all include five indispensable components: (1) the camera box, which holds and protects the sensitive film from all light except that entering through the lens; (2) film, on which the image is recorded, a light-sensitive strip usually wound on a spool, either manually or automatically, as successive pictures are taken; (3) the light control, consisting of an aperture or diaphragm and a shutter, both often adjustable; (4) the lens, which focuses the light rays from the subject onto the film, creating the image, and which is usually adjustable by moving forward or back, changing the focus; and (5) the viewing system, which may be separate from the lens system (usually above it) or may operate through it by means of a mirror.

      The earliest camera was the camera obscura, which was adapted to making a permanent image by Joseph Nicéphore Niepce (Niépce, Nicéphore) and Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre (Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé) of France in the 1820s and 1830s. Many improvements followed in the 19th century, notably flexible film, developed and printed outside the camera. In the 20th century a variety of cameras was developed for many different purposes, including aerial photography, document copying, and scientific research.

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