
/keuh lis"toh/, n.
1. Also, Kallisto. Class. Myth. a nymph attendant on Artemis, punished for a love affair with Zeus by being changed into a bear and then transformed into stars as the constellation Ursa Major.
2. Astron. a large natural satellite of the planet Jupiter.

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In Greek mythology, a nymph and a hunting companion of Artemis.

Though she vowed never to wed, she was seduced by Zeus, who turned her into a she-bear to conceal his infidelity from the jealous Hera. She was then killed by Artemis during a hunt. Other versions hold that it was Artemis or Hera, enraged at her unchastity, who turned her into a bear. After her death Zeus placed her in the heavens as the constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear).

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      in Greek mythology, a nymph, or else a daughter of either Lycaon of Arcadia or of Nycteus or Ceteus. Callisto was one of the goddess Artemis' huntress companions and swore to remain unwed. But she was loved by Zeus and, in several variations of the legend, was turned into a she-bear either by Zeus (to conceal his deed from Hera) or by Artemis or Hera (who were enraged at her unchastity). Callisto was then killed during the chase by Artemis, who, owing to the machinations of the jealous Hera, mistook Callisto for a real bear. Zeus then gave Arcas, his child with Callisto, to the Titaness Maia to raise. He then placed Callisto among the stars as the constellation Ursa Major (Great Bear). In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Book II, Arcas was transformed into the brilliant star Arcturus just as he was about to kill his mother during a hunt; he was the eponymous hero of Arcadia.

satellite of Jupiter
also called  Jupiter IV  
 outermost of the four large moons (Galilean satellites) discovered around Jupiter by the Italian astronomer Galileo in 1610. It was probably also discovered independently that same year by the German astronomer Simon Marius (Marius, Simon), who named it after Callisto of Greek mythology. Callisto is a dark, heavily cratered body of rock and ice that appears to have remained substantially unaltered inside and out for the past four billion years.

      Callisto has a diameter of about 4,800 km (3,000 miles)—less than 100 km (60 miles) shy of the diameter of the planet Mercuryand it orbits Jupiter at a mean distance of about 1,883,000 km (1,170,000 miles). The bulk density of Callisto is 1.83 grams per cubic cm, a little more than half that of Earth's Moon, which indicates that Callisto is about half rock and half ice. Spacecraft measurements of its gravity field indicate that, unlike the other Galilean moons, this satellite is not differentiated. Its interior thus must resemble a raisin pudding, with rock and ice well mixed, instead of exhibiting the core-mantle structure found within Io, Europa, and Ganymede. Nevertheless, Callisto has a weak magnetic field induced by Jupiter's field, which raises the possibility that a conducting layer of salty liquid water exists somewhere below its surface.

      Callisto was first observed at close range by the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft in 1979 and then by the Galileo orbiter beginning in the mid-1990s. Unlike Ganymede, which is very similar in bulk composition, Callisto does not exhibit large amounts of ice on its surface. Near-infrared spectra contain only weak indications of water ice, and the surface is much too dark to be made of ice exclusively. Galileo's detailed images reveal that deposits of dark material have obliterated the smallest craters in some areas, and its spectroscopic observations show the material to be a mixture of hydrated minerals resembling clays. The spectroscopic studies also led to the discovery of solid carbon dioxide on Callisto and the presence of a tenuous, continuously escaping atmosphere of carbon dioxide. In addition, the moon has traces of sulfur compounds, which may have come from volcanically active Io; hydrogen peroxide, which is probably made from water ice by photochemical reactions; and organic compounds possibly delivered by comets.

 Callisto is the most heavily cratered (meteorite crater) of all of Jupiter's satellites. The density of the craters indicates that they were produced about four billion years ago, when all the bodies of the solar system came under heavy cometary and meteoroid bombardment. Internal activity has not substantially altered Callisto's surface as it has in the case of the other Galilean satellites. In addition to its large number of intermediate-size craters (having diameters of a few tens of kilometres), Callisto's most prominent features are multiringed structures that measure hundreds to thousands of kilometres across. The largest, named Valhalla, comprises about 10 concentric rings with a maximum diameter of about 3,000 km (1,860 miles). These structures were probably created by very large impacts; analogous features are found on Mercury (e.g., Caloris Basin) and the Moon (Mare Orientale), but with important differences resulting from different crustal compositions. The preservation of this record of intense bombardment on Callisto's surface is consistent with the absence of internal differentiation. Evidently, this satellite, alone among the Galilean moons, was never trapped in orbital resonances responsible for the tidal heating that was so important in the evolution of Ganymede, Europa, and Io.

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