Calixtus II

Calixtus II
died 1124, French ecclesiastic: pope 1119-24.
Also, Callistus II.

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orig. Guido of Burgundy

died Dec. 13/14, 1124, Rome

Pope (111924).

As archbishop of Vienne in Lower Burgundy, he became known as an advocate of reform and an opponent of Holy Roman emperor Henry V. Elected pope in 1119, he condemned lay investiture and excommunicated Henry. They were later reconciled, and the Concordat of Worms (1122) ended the Investiture Controversy. Calixtus called the first Lateran Council (1123), which secured peace between church and empire for the next 35 years. His bull Etsi Judaeis (1120) protected Roman Jews.

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also spelled  Callistus,  original name  Guido, or Guy, Of Burgundy,  French  Gui, or Guy, De Bourgogne 
died Dec. 13/14, 1124, Rome [Italy]

      pope from 1119 to 1124.

      A son of Count William I of Burgundy, he was appointed archbishop of Vienne, in Lower Burgundy, in 1088. He became well known as a spokesman of a reform party within the church and as a foe of the policy of the Holy Roman emperor Henry V. When Pope Gelasius II died at Cluny, Calixtus was elected by the cardinals there to succeed him. He held a synod at Reims that condemned lay investiture and excommunicated Henry and the antipope Gregory VIII (Gregory (VIII)). In 1120 Calixtus was able to enter Rome in triumph. The German princes soon forced Henry to reconcile with Calixtus, and the Concordat of Worms (Worms, Concordat of) (1122), which terminated the investiture controversy, reserved for the pope all spiritual rights in the appointment of bishops. Calixtus called the first Lateran Council (1123), which ratified the Concordat, securing peace between church and empire for the next 35 years. His bull Etsi Judaeis (1120) gave a considerable measure of protection to Roman Jews.

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