
/kah veel"daw/; Eng. /keuh bil"doh/, n., pl. cabildos /-dhaws/; Eng. /-dohz/. Spanish.
1. the chapter house of a cathedral.
2. a town council, esp. in Latin America.
3. a town hall in colonial Spanish America.

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(Spanish; "municipal council")

Fundamental unit of local government in colonial Latin America.

It was responsible for all ordinary aspects of municipal government, including policing, sanitation, taxation, price and wage regulation, and the administration of justice. Its jurisdiction extended beyond the city to the surrounding hamlets and countryside. By the mid-16th century appointments to cabildos were usually made by the Spanish crown and could be sold or inherited. Cabildos were often corrupt, but cabildos abiertos (open town meetings) were important to the Latin American independence movement of the early 19th century.

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      (Spanish:municipal council”), the fundamental unit of local government in colonial Spanish America. Conforming to a tradition going back to the Romans, the Spaniards considered the city to be of paramount importance, with the surrounding countryside directly subordinate to it. In local affairs each municipality in Hispanic America was governed by its cabildo, or council, in a manner reminiscent of Castilian towns in the late Middle Ages. A council's members, regidores (councillors) and alcaldes ordinarios (magistrates), together with the local corregidor (royally appointed judge), enjoyed considerable prestige and power. The size of a council varied but was always small. The cabildos of important cities, such as Lima and Mexico, had about 12 members.

      The cabildo was in charge of all ordinary aspects of municipal governmente.g., policing, sanitation, taxation, the supervision of building, price and wage regulation, and the administration of justice. To assist them in these responsibilities, the city councillors appointed various officials, such as tax collectors, inspectors of weights and measures and the markets, and peace officers. In spite of royal decrees to promote honest and efficient city government, the cabildos were often corrupt and rapacious.

      By the mid-16th century, appointments to cabildos were ordinarily made by the Spanish crown; these offices were sold and sometimes became hereditary. Occasionally, the propertied class in a city chose some of the councillors. Creoles (American-born people of Spanish descent), barred from most high offices, were allowed to be council members. Sometimes citizens were asked to attend a cabildo abierto (open town meeting) on important matters. Such meetings assumed considerable importance in the movement for the independence of Hispanic America in the early 19th century. The cabildo abierto of Buenos Aires, in 1810, launched the wars for independence in southern South America.

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