
/keuh reg"i dawr', -dohr'/; Sp. /kawrdd rdde'hee dhawrdd"/, n.
an island in Manila Bay, in the Philippines: U.S. forces defeated by the Japanese in May, 1942. 2 sq. mi. (5 sq. km).

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Spanish government official
      (Spanish:magistrate,” literallycorrector”), Spanish government official, first appointed by King Alfonso XI of Castile in the 14th century and later extended to Spanish colonies in America. The corregidores were administrators of cities and districts with both administrative and judicial powers. The Catholic Monarchs used them wherever local potentates tended to override the electoral process, and corregidores served to strengthen royal authority rather than revive local responsibility. They were replaced in the mid-18th century by alcaldes mayores (“mayors”). In Spanish America the corregidor de Indios was the magistrate who ruled Indian communities, generally obtaining his post by purchase and often regarded as oppressive. Pedro Antonio de Alarcón's El sombrero de tres picos (“The Three-Cornered Hat”), a novel published in 1874, satirized the overbearing and intriguing official.

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  • CORREGIDOR — Représentant du roi au sein de la municipalité. Créé par Alphonse XI, le corregidor avait pour première mission de remettre de l’ordre dans les finances des assemblées appelées concejos . Sous les Rois Catholiques et sous les Habsbourg, la… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Corregidor — [kə reg′ə dôr΄] small fortified island in the Philippines, at the entrance to Manila Bay: in WWII, American Filipino troops fought on for a month after the fall of Bataan; finally invaded & garrison forced to surrender (May, 1942); recaptured… …   English World dictionary

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