
/but"euhr fish'/, n., pl. (esp. collectively) butterfishes, (esp. referring to two or more kinds or species) butterfish.
1. a small, flattened, marine food fish, Peprilus triacanthus, of Atlantic coastal waters of the U.S., having very small scales and smooth skin.
2. the rock gunnel. See under gunnel1.
[1665-75; BUTTER + FISH]

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      any of the thin, deep-bodied, more or less oval and silvery fishes of the family Stromateidae (order Perciformes). Butterfishes are found in warm and temperate seas and are characterized by a small mouth, forked tail, and a single dorsal fin. Like the related rudderfishes (Centrolophidae) and man-of-war fishes (Nomeidae), they also have peculiar, toothed outpocketings in the esophagus. (The Centrolophidae and Nomeidae have sometimes been included in Stromateidae.)

      Certain butterfishes, such as the dollarfish (Poronotus triacanthus), are noted for taking shelter when young among the tentacles of jellyfishes. The dollarfish and several other species of butterfishes are commonly used as food. Among these are the harvest fish (Peprilus alepidotus), an Atlantic species that usually grows to about 20 cm (8 inches) long; the Pacific pompano (Peprilus simillimus), a silvery Californian fish; and Pampus argenteus, a black-spotted, Oriental fish.

      The rock gunnel, family Pholidae, is sometimes also called a butterfish (see gunnel).

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