- Buryat
/boor yaht", boor'ee aht"/; Russ. /booh rddyaht"/, adj., n., pl. Buryats, (esp. collectively) Buryat.adj.1. of or pertaining to the Buryat Mongol Republic, its people, or their language.n.2. a member of any of the Mongol people in the Buryat Republic.3. the Mongolian language of the Buryat.
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▪ peoplenorthernmost of the major Mongol peoples, living south and east of Lake Baikal. By the Treaty of Nerchinsk (Nerchinsk, Treaty of) (1689) their land was ceded by China to the Russian Empire.The Buryat are related by language, history, habitat, and economic type to the Khalkha Mongols of Outer Mongolia, the Mongols of Inner Mongolia and Manchuria (Northeast Provinces), and the Kalmyk (Oyrat), who together form the principal Mongol peoples. The Buryat are among the smaller of these groups; they numbered about 390,000 in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.The origins of the Buryat are not clear. One theory is that they were formed as an ethnic unit from various elements that settled in their present territory during the 13th and 14th centuries. By tradition they are a nomadic pastoral people, whose stock consists of cattle, horses, sheep, goats, and a few camels. In their traditional social organization, they were separated into noble and common strata; they also kept a few slaves. They traced descent through the paternal line, living in patrilineal families grouped into kin villages, clans, and clan confederations. The more permanently organized confederations were ruled by princely dynasties. In their religious life the Buryat had an intricate combination of shamanist and Buddhist traits. The eastern Buryat, under the closer influence of the Khalkha Mongols, were more thoroughly Buddhist in their rite than were the western. During tsarist times some became Orthodox Christians.After the Russian Revolution, the Buryat's primitive open-pasture pastoralism was replaced by collective-farm cattle breeding. Experimental farms for raising sables have augmented the hunting and trapping in the taiga region. Timbering is now a major industry, and the fishing industry has been developed. About 360,000 Buryat live in Russia, many in Buryatia. About 42,000 live in Mongolia.* * *
Universalium. 2010.