
boomingly, adv.
/boohm/, v.i.
1. to make a deep, prolonged, resonant sound.
2. to move with a resounding rush or great impetus.
3. to progress, grow, or flourish vigorously, as a business or a city: Her business is booming since she enlarged the store.
4. to give forth with a booming sound (often fol. by out): The clock boomed out nine.
5. to boost; campaign for vigorously: His followers are booming George for mayor.
6. a deep, prolonged, resonant sound.
7. the resonant cry of a bird or animal.
8. a buzzing, humming, or droning, as of a bee or beetle.
9. a rapid increase in price, development, numbers, etc.: a boom in housing construction.
10. a period of rapid economic growth, prosperity, high wages and prices, and relatively full employment.
11. a rise in popularity, as of a political candidate.
12. caused by or characteristic of a boom: boom prices.
[1400-50; 1910-15 for def. 10; late ME bombon, bummyn to buzz; c. D bommen, G bummen, orig. imit.]
Syn. 3. prosper, thrive, develop.
boomless, adj.
/boohm/, n.
1. Naut. any of various more or less horizontal spars or poles for extending the feet of sails, esp. fore-and-aft sails, for handling cargo, suspending mooring lines alongside a vessel, pushing a vessel away from wharves, etc.
2. Aeron.
a. an outrigger used on certain aircraft for connecting the tail surfaces to the fuselage.
b. a maneuverable and retractable pipe on a tanker aircraft for refueling another aircraft in flight.
c. chord1 (def. 4).
3. a chain, cable, series of connected floating timbers, or the like, serving to obstruct navigation, confine floating timber, etc.
4. the area thus shut off.
5. Mach. a spar or beam projecting from the mast of a derrick for supporting or guiding the weights to be lifted.
6. (on a motion-picture or television stage) a spar or beam on a mobile crane for holding or manipulating a microphone or camera.
7. lower the boom, to take decisive punitive action: The government has lowered the boom on tax evaders.
8. to extend or position, as a sail (usually fol. by out or off).
9. to manipulate (an object) by or as by means of a crane or derrick.
10. to sail at full speed.
[1635-45; < D: tree, pole, BEAM]

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Universalium. 2010.

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