
/bohl"sheuh vik, bol"-/; Russ. /beuhl shi vyeek"/, n., pl. Bolsheviks, Bolsheviki /-vik'ee, -vee'kee/; Russ. /-vyi kyee"/.
1. (in Russia)
a. a member of the more radical majority of the Social Democratic party, 1903-17, advocating immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat.
b. (after 1918) a member of the Russian Communist party.
2. (loosely) a member of any Communist party.
3. Derogatory. an extreme political radical; revolutionary or anarchist.
Also, bolshevik.
[1915-20; < Russ bol'shevík, equiv. to ból'sh(ii) larger, greater (comp. of bol'shói large; cf. bol'shinstvó majority) + -evik, var. of -ovik n. suffix; cf. MENSHEVIK]

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(Russian: "member of the majority") Member of the wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party led by Vladimir Ilich Lenin that seized control in the Russian Revolution of 1917.

The group arose in 1903 when Lenin's followers insisted that party membership be restricted to professional or full-time revolutionaries. Though they joined with their rivals, the Mensheviks ("members of the minority"), in the Russian Revolution of 1905, the two groups later split, and in 1912 Lenin formed his own party. Its appeal grew among urban workers and soldiers during World War I. The Bolshevik consolidation of power after 1917 became one prototype of totalitarianism; the other was fascism of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. See also Communist Party, Leninism.

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Russian political faction
RussianOne of the Majority”, plural  Bolsheviks, or Bolsheviki,  

      member of a wing of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party, which, led by Lenin (Lenin, Vladimir Ilich), seized control of the government in Russia (October 1917) and became the dominant political power. The group originated at the party's second congress (1903) when Lenin's followers, insisting that party membership be restricted to professional revolutionaries, won a temporary majority on the party's central committee and on the editorial board of its newspaper Iskra. They assumed the name Bolsheviks and dubbed their opponents the Mensheviks (Menshevik) (“Those of the Minority”).

 Although both factions participated together in the Russian Revolution of 1905 and went through periods of apparent reconciliation (about 1906 and 1910), their differences increased. The Bolsheviks continued to insist upon a highly centralized, disciplined, professional party. They boycotted the elections to the First State Duma (Russian parliament) in 1906 and refused to cooperate with the government and other political parties in subsequent Dumas. Furthermore, their methods of obtaining revenue (including robbery) were disapproved of by the Mensheviks and non-Russian Social Democrats.

      In 1912 Lenin, leading a very small minority, formed a distinct Bolshevik organization, decisively (although not formally) splitting the Russian Social-Democratic Workers' Party. His determination to keep his own faction strictly organized, however, had also alienated many of his Bolshevik colleagues, who had wished to undertake nonrevolutionary activities or who had disagreed with Lenin on political tactics and on the infallibility of orthodox Marxism. No outstanding Russian Social Democrats joined Lenin in 1912.

      Nevertheless, the Bolsheviks became increasingly popular among urban workers and soldiers in Russia after the February Revolution (Russian Revolution of 1917) (1917), particularly after April, when Lenin returned to the country, demanding immediate peace and that the workers' councils, or Soviets, assume power. By October the Bolsheviks had majorities in the Petrograd (St. Petersburg) and Moscow Soviets; and when they overthrew the Provisional Government, the second Congress of Soviets (devoid of peasant deputies) approved the action and formally took control of the government.

      Immediately after the October Revolution, the Bolsheviks refused to share power with other revolutionary groups, with the exception of the Left Socialist Revolutionaries; eventually they suppressed all rival political organizations. They changed their name to Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in March 1918; to All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in December 1925; and to Communist Party of the Soviet Union in October 1952.

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