
bloomless, adj.
/bloohm/, n.
1. the flower of a plant.
2. flowers collectively: the bloom of the cherry tree.
3. state of having the buds opened: The gardens are all in bloom.
4. a flourishing, healthy condition; the time or period of greatest beauty, artistry, etc.: the bloom of youth; the bloom of Romanticism.
5. a glow or flush on the cheek indicative of youth and health: a serious illness that destroyed her bloom.
6. the glossy, healthy appearance of the coat of an animal.
7. a moist, lustrous appearance indicating freshness in fish.
8. redness or a fresh appearance on the surface of meat.
9. Bot. a whitish powdery deposit or coating, as on the surface of certain fruits and leaves: the bloom of the grape.
10. any similar surface coating or appearance: the bloom of newly minted coins.
11. any of certain minerals occurring as powdery coatings on rocks or other minerals.
12. Also called chill. a clouded or dull area on a varnished or lacquered surface.
13. the sudden development of conspicuous masses of organisms, as algae on the surface of a lake.
14. Television. image spread produced by excessive exposure of highlights in a television image.
15. take the bloom off, to remove the enjoyment or ultimate satisfaction from; dampen the enthusiasm over: The coach's illness took the bloom off the team's victory.
16. the bloom is off (the rose), the excitement, enjoyment, interest, etc., has ended or been dampened.
17. to produce or yield blossoms.
18. to flourish or thrive: a recurrent fad that blooms from time to time.
19. to be in or achieve a state of healthful beauty and vigor: a sickly child who suddenly bloomed; a small talent that somehow bloomed into major artistry.
20. to glow with warmth or with a warm color.
21. to cause to yield blossoms.
22. to make bloom or cause to flourish: a happiness that blooms the cheek.
23. to invest with luster or beauty: an industry that blooms one's talents.
24. to cause a cloudy area on (something shiny); dampen; chill: Their breath bloomed the frosty pane.
25. Optics. to coat (a lens) with an antireflection material.
[1150-1200; (n.) ME blom, blome < ON blom, blomi; c. Goth bloma lily, G Blume flower; akin to BLOW3; (v.) ME blomen, deriv. of the n.]
Syn. 1. blossom. 3. efflorescence. 4. freshness, glow, flush; vigor, prime. 16, 17. effloresce.
/bloohm/, Metalworking.
1. a piece of steel, square or slightly oblong in section, reduced from an ingot to dimensions suitable for further rolling.
2. a large lump of iron and slag, of pasty consistency when hot, produced in a puddling furnace or bloomery and hammered into wrought iron.
3. to make (an ingot) into a bloom.
[bef. 1000; repr. AL, AF blomes (pl.), OE bloma mass of iron; perh. akin to BLOOM1]

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