- blarney
/blahr"nee/, n., v., blarneyed, blarneying.n.1. flattering or wheedling talk; cajolery.2. deceptive or misleading talk; nonsense; hooey: a lot of blarney about why he was broke.v.t., v.i.3. to flatter or wheedle; use blarney: He blarneys his boss with the most shameless compliments.[1760-70; after the hamlet Blarney, in Ireland; see BLARNEY STONE]
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Situated northwest of the city of Cork, it is famous as the site of Blarney Castle (с 1446). Below the battlements on the southern castle wall is the Blarney Stone, which in local legend is said to make anyone who kisses it proficient in blarney (smooth, flattering talk).* * *
▪ Irelandvillage, County Cork, Ireland, 5 mi (8 km) northwest of Cork city, famous for Blarney Castle (c. 1446). Below the battlements on the southern wall of the castle is the Blarney Stone, reputed to confer eloquence on those who kiss it; this feat can be achieved only by hanging head downward. “Blarney,” as an expression of dubiousness, is attributed to Elizabeth I of England, who used it when impugning the worth of Lord Blarney's promises. Blarney lies in wooded country. Tweed is manufactured there, as also are polypropylene sacks. Pop. (2002) 2,146.* * *
Universalium. 2010.