
/bi lee"ton/, n.
an island in Indonesia, between Borneo and Sumatra. 100,000; 1866 sq. mi. (4833 sq. km).
Also, Belitong, Belitoeng, Belitung.

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Island west-central, Indonesia.

Lying on the Karimata Strait (which separates it from Borneo to the northeast), it is situated between the South China Sea (north) and Java Sea (south). It is 55 mi (88 km) long and 43 mi (69 km) wide, with an area of 1,866 sq mi (4,833 sq km). The main town and port is Tanjungpandan. Billiton was ceded to the British in 1812 by the sultan of Palembang, Sumatra, but Britain recognized the Dutch claim in 1824. The island became part of Indonesia after World War II. It is important for its tin mines, discovered in 1851.

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also spelled  Belitoeng  or  Belitong,  Indonesian  Belitung 
      island and kabupaten (regency), Bangka-Belitung propinsi (province), Indonesia. With 135 associated smaller islands, it lies between the South China and Java seas, southwest of Borneo and east of Bangka island. Tanjungpandan on the west coast is the main town, port, and site of the airport. Billiton's area is 1,853 square miles (4,800 square km). Its coasts are sandy and marshy and studded with rocks and coral banks, but the tidal Cerutuk River is navigable for 7 miles (11 km). Most of the land lies less than 130 feet (40 metres) above sea level. Groups of hills rise from flat or slightly undulating country, and in the central parts are treeless plains covered with cogon grass (used for thatching).

      The island is important for its tin mines, discovered in 1851. First exploited by a private Dutch company and later with participation of the colonial government, the tin is now worked by the Indonesian government. Most ore comes from alluvial deposits, but there is some lode mining. The island was ceded to the British in 1812 by the sultan of Palembang, Sumatra, but Britain recognized the Dutch claim in 1824. In 2000 Billiton, Bangka, and neighbouring islands were split from the province of Sumatera Selatan to form the new province of Bangka-Belitung.

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