
Sumatran, adj., n.
/soo mah"treuh/, n.
a large island in the W part of Indonesia. 20,800,000; 164,147 sq. mi. (425,141 sq. km).

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Island (pop., 2000 including adjoining islands: 43,309,707), western Indonesia.

It is one of the Sunda Islands and the second largest island of Indonesia. It is 1,060 mi (1,706 km) long and 250 mi (400 km) wide. A chief city is Palembang. Located on the seaborne trade routes, the island had early contact with Hindu civilization. The Srivijaya empire arose in the 7th century and came to dominate much of the island. It fell under the Majapahit empire in the 14th16th centuries. First the Portuguese, then the Dutch and English established forts there beginning in the 16th century. It was occupied by Japan in World War II and in 1950 became part of the Republic of Indonesia. Its exports include rubber, tobacco, coffee, pepper, and timber products; mineral reserves include petroleum and coal. In 2004 a large tsunami generated by a massive earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra caused widespread death and destruction in coastal areas bordering the Indian Ocean.

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Indonesian  Sumatera 

one of the Greater Sunda Islands and the second largest island (after Borneo) of Indonesia. It is separated in the northeast from the Malay Peninsula by the Strait of Malacca (Malacca, Strait of) and in the south from Java by the Sunda Strait.

 The influence of the Srivijaya empire (Śrivijaya empire) in the southern region of Palembang in the 11th century reached most of Sumatra, as well as other island and mainland regions. In 1377 Srivijaya's capital fell to the Javanese Majapahit empire, and the kingdom never recovered in Sumatra. The European powersfirst the Portuguese, then the Dutch and Englishtraded with, warred against, and established forts among the coastal Sumatran principalities beginning in the 16th century. Anglo-Dutch treaties in 1824 and 1871 revoked English claims in Sumatra, and, through economic exploitation and administrative skills, the Dutch slowly opened the interior to their authority throughout the 19th century. The northern region of Aceh was brought only grudgingly under Dutch control in the early 20th century after 30 years of fighting. Sumatra was occupied by Japan in World War II and in 1950 became part of the Republic of Indonesia.

      Since then Sumatrans have at times expressed dissatisfaction with the central government over financial and political issues, often in the form of insurrections and other regional movements. Notable has been the situation in Aceh, where armed conflict has broken out periodically since 1990 between Acehnese separatists and Indonesian forces. The island experienced a major natural disaster in late 2004 when a large tsunami (Indian Ocean tsunami) in the Indian Ocean (spawned by a severe earthquake off the coast of Aceh) inundated low-lying areas along the northwest coast and adjacent islands and caused widespread death and destruction.

      The high Barisan Mountains run northwest-southeast for some 1,000 miles (1,600 km), reaching an elevation of 12,467 feet (3,800 metres) at Mount Kerinci. Eastward, flat alluvial lands are drained by many rivers; the Hari River, navigable for 300 miles (480 km), is the longest. Lake Toba (Toba, Lake), with an area of about 440 square miles (1,140 square km), is the largest of many mountain lakes.

      Sumatra's climate is hot, except in the highlands, and extremely moist. Vegetation includes the Sumatran pine, Pinus merkusii, the huge flower Rafflesia arnoldii, myrtles, bamboo, rhododendrons, orchids, and such trees as palm, oak, chestnut, ebony, ironwood, camphorwood, sandalwood, and rubber-producing types. The island's animal life includes orangutans, various apes, elephants, tapirs, tigers, the two-horned Sumatran rhinoceros, gibbons, tree shrews, flying lemurs, wild boars, and civets. Three national parks on the islandMount Leuser, Kerinci Seblat, and Bukit Barisan Selatancollectively were designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2004.

      Sumatrans speak a language of the Austronesian (Austronesian languages) (Malayo-Polynesian) language family. The Acehnese inhabit northwestern Sumatra; the Gajo and Alas, the mountainous north-central area; the Batak, around and south of Lake Toba; and the Minangkabau (the largest ethnic group), the Padang highlands. South of Padang along the western coast live the Redjang and Lebong mountain people and the Lampung coastal dwellers. The Malays (Malay), a coastal and riverine people dominating the eastern coast and the wide southern plains, speak Malay (Indonesian), the lingua franca of the archipelago. The Minangkabau and the Batak have been most receptive to Western-style education. Most Sumatrans are Muslims, though some are Christians and animists.

      The island is subdivided into eight provinces (propinsi)—Sumatera Utara (North Sumatra), Jambi, Riau, Sumatera Barat (West Sumatra), Sumatera Selatan (South Sumatra), Bangka-Belitung, Bengkulu, and Lampungand the semiautonomous province of Aceh. The principal cities are Medan, Palembang, and Padang. Some three-fifths of the population is rural; the highest population density is around Medan in northeastern Sumatra. Colonization from Java to relieve its overcrowding has been carried out in the southern province of Lampung.

      Agricultural products grown for export include rubber, tobacco, tea, coffee, palm oil, ramie fiber, sisal, copra, betel nuts, kapok, peanuts (groundnuts), and pepper. The highland areas of Sumatera Utara grow vegetables for export. Subsistence crops include corn (maize), root crops, vegetables, and rice. About one-third of Indonesia's timber comes from Sumatran forests, which also yield various oils and fibers. Sumatra and adjacent islands have reserves of petroleum, natural gas, tin, bauxite, coal, gold, silver, and other minerals. The Umbilin coalfield near Sawahlunto covers about 40 square miles (100 square km). Other coalfields include Bukit Asen and deposits in Sumatera Selatan. The Dumai area of Riau province has some of the most productive oil wells in Indonesia; other areas have been developed at Palembang and Pangkalan Brandan.

      Road networks are fairly good in northeastern Sumatra, the Padang highlands, and southern Sumatra, but mountain trails and rivers are used elsewhere. The northwest-southeast Sumatra Highway was completed in the 1980s. Three separate and unconnected railway systems operate in northern, central, and southern Sumatra. An Indonesian airline serves the major cities. Area including adjoining islands, 186,253 square miles (482,393 square km). Pop. (2000) including adjoining islands, 43,309,707.

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Universalium. 2010.

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