
biggish, adj.bigly, adv.
/big/, adj., bigger, biggest, adv., n.
1. large, as in size, height, width, or amount: a big house; a big quantity.
2. of major concern, importance, gravity, or the like: a big problem.
3. outstanding for a specified quality: a big liar; a big success.
4. important, as in influence, standing, or wealth: a big man in his field.
5. grown-up; mature: big enough to know better.
6. elder: my big sister.
7. doing business or conducted on a large scale; major in size or importance: big government.
8. consisting of the largest or most influential companies in an industry: Big steel wants to lower prices, but the smaller mills don't.
9. Informal. known or used widely; popular: Nouvelle cuisine became big in the 1970s.
10. magnanimous; generous; kindly: big enough to forgive.
11. boastful; pompous; pretentious; haughty: a big talker.
12. loud; orotund: a big voice.
13. (of clothing or a clothing design) made of or distinguished by voluminous fabric that is loosely or softly shaped and fitted: a big shirt; the big look.
14. (of a wine) having more than average flavor, body, and alcoholic content.
15. filled; brimming: eyes big with tears.
16. Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. pregnant.
17. Obs. very strong; powerful.
18. be big on, to have a special liking or enthusiasm for: Mother is big on family get-togethers.
19. big with child. See great (def. 17).
20. Informal. boastfully; pretentiously: to act big; to talk big.
21. Informal. with great success; successfully: to go over big.
22. the bigs, Sports Slang. the highest level of professional competition, as the major leagues in baseball.
[1250-1300; ME big(ge) < ?]
Syn. 1. huge, immense; bulky, massive; capacious, voluminous; extensive. See great. 4. consequential. 15. overflowing, flooded.
Ant. 1. little.
/big/, v.t., bigged, bigging. Brit. Dial.
to build.
Also, bigg.
[1150-1200; ME biggen orig., to inhabit < ON byggja to inhabit, c. OE bu(i)an, G bauen]
/big/, n. Scot. and North Eng.

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(as used in expressions)
Big Bellies

* * *

Universalium. 2010.

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