
/bay/, n., pl. beys.
1. a provincial governor in the Ottoman Empire.
2. (formerly) a title of respect for Turkish dignitaries.
3. (formerly) the title of the native ruler of Tunis or Tunisia. Turkish, beg.
[1590-1600; < Turk, by-form of earlier beg, Old Turkic beg subordinate chief, head of a clan, perh. < a MChin word akin to Chin bai hundred (Guangdong dial. baak)]

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Turkish title
Turkish  Bey, Old  Turkish  Beg,  Arabic  Bay, or Bey,  

      title among Turkish peoples traditionally given to rulers of small tribal groups, to members of ruling families, and to important officials. Under the Ottoman Empire a bey was the governor of a province, distinguished by his own flag (sancak, liwa). In Tunis after 1705 the title become hereditary for the country's sovereign. Laterbeybecame a general title of respect in Turkish and Arab countries, added after a personal name and equivalent toesquire” (orsirin conversation) in English. In the 20th-century Turkish republic, bey, though surviving in polite conversation, was replaced by bay before the name (equivalent toMr.”).

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