
baronetical, adj.
/bar"euh nit, bar'euh net"/, n.
a member of a British hereditary order of honor, ranking below the barons and made up of commoners, designated by Sir before the name and Baronet, usually abbreviated Bart., after: Sir John Smith, Bart.
[1350-1400; ME; see BARON, -ET]

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British hereditary rank of honor, first created by James I in 1611 to raise money, ostensibly for support of troops in Ulster.

The baronetage is not part of the peerage, nor is it an order of knighthood. A baronet ranks below a baron but above all knights except a Knight of the Garter (see Order of the Garter). The baronetcy is inherited by the male heirs of a baronet.
(as used in expressions)
Cartier Sir George Étienne Baronet
Cockburn Sir Alexander James Edmund 10th Baronet
Cunard Sir Samuel 1st Baronet
Dilke Sir Charles Wentworth 2nd Baronet
Grey Sir Edward 3rd Baronet
Harris Sir Arthur Travers 1st Baronet
Johnson Sir William 1st Baronet
LaFontaine Sir Louis Hippolyte Baronet
Mosley Sir Oswald Ernald 6th Baronet
Peel Sir Robert 2nd Baronet
Pollock Sir Frederick 3rd Baronet
Scott Sir Walter 1st Baronet
Stephen Sir James Fitzjames 1st Baronet
Hoare Sir Samuel John Gurney 2nd Baronet

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      British hereditary dignity, first created by King James I (James I) of England in May 1611. The baronetage is not part of the peerage, nor is it an order of knighthood. A baronet ranks below barons but above all knights except, in England, Knights of the Garter and, in Scotland, Knights of the Garter and of the Thistle. In England and Ireland a baronetcy is inherited by the male heir, but in Scotland ladies may succeed to certain baronetcies where it has been specified at the time of their creation.

      James I, desperate for funds as were all the Stuarts, decided to institute by letters patenta new dignitie between Barons and Knights.” Because the money was ostensibly for support of the troops in Ulster, candidates for the baronetage were required to pay the king £1,095 (the sum required to maintain 30 soldiers for three years), but such requirements were soon abandoned. In 1619 a baronetage of Ireland was also established, and in 1624 James planned another creation in connection with the plantation of Nova Scotia. This was completed after his death by Charles I in 1625. The baronets of Scotland (or of Nova Scotia) were required to pay a total of £2,000 (the amount required to support six colonists) and to pay a fee of £1,000 to Sir William Alexander (afterward Earl of Stirling), to whom the province had been granted in 1621. In return they received, as well as their title, 16,000 acres of land in Nova Scotia. The creation of baronets of Scotland and of England ceased with the union of those countries in 1707; thereafter, until 1800, the new baronetcies were those of Great Britain. No more Irish baronets were created after the Irish Act of Union in 1801. From 1801 all creations were of baronets of the United Kingdom.

      A baronet is styled Sir A.B., Bt, to distinguish him from a knight. The abbreviation Bart is now considered old-fashioned and is rarely used today. His wife is Lady B. or, more rarely now, Dame C.B. A Scottish baronetess is styled Dame D.E., Btss, or Lady D.E., Btss. In Scotland a baronet or baronetess who uses a territorial designation places it before the abbreviation, as in Sir Richard Dunbar of Hempriggs, Bt (whose late mother was Dame Maureen Dunbar of Hempriggs, Btss).

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