
/bah"gee oh'/; Sp. /bah"gyaw/, n.
a city on W Luzon, in the N Philippines: summer capital. 119,009; 4961 ft. (1512 m) high.

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      city, west-central Luzon, Philippines. After the United States occupied the Philippines in 1898, Governor William Howard Taft and other officials proposed the pleasant site nestled in pine-clad hills at about 4,900 feet (1,500 m) to serve as the summer capital of the Philippines. The idea was adopted by the Filipinos, and Baguio became the country's foremost resort, with numerous hotels, cottages, and summer homes and with excellent air, road, and rail connections to Manila, 160 miles (260 km) south. In 1976, however, Baguio ceased to be the official summer capital, Manila serving from that date as the capital throughout the year.

      Baguio is an important gold-mining centre, and copper is extracted at nearby Mankayan. The Philippine Military Academy, Saint Louis University (1963), and the University of Baguio (1969; formerly Baguio Technical College) are in the city. Other places of interest include Camp John Hay (a recreation base where the Japanese general Yamashita Tomoyuki surrendered to General Jonathan Wainwright in 1945), Burnham Park, Asin Hot Springs, and Mount Santo Tomas. Baguio sustained considerable damage from an earthquake that struck central Luzon on July 16, 1990. Inc. city, 1909. Pop. (2000) 252,386.

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Universalium. 2010.

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