
/looh zon"/; Sp. /looh sawn"/, n.
the chief island of the Philippines, in the N part of the group. 26,078,985; 40,420 sq. mi. (104,688 sq. km). Cap.: Manila.

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Island (pop., 2000: 37,909,589), Philippines.

The country's largest island, with an area of 40,420 sq mi (104,688 sq km), it is the site of Quezon City and Manila, the nation's capital. Located in the northern Philippine archipelago, it is bounded by the Philippine Sea, the Sibuyan Sea, and the South China Sea, and it is separated from Taiwan by the Luzon Strait. It represents one-third of the country's land area and half of its population. It is largely mountainous; in 1991 the eruption of Mount Pinatubo altered the island's geography. It is the country's leader in both industry and agriculture.

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largest and most important island of the Philippines. It is the site of Manila, the nation's capital and major metropolis, and of Quezon City. Located on the northern part of the Philippine archipelago, it is bounded by the Philippine Sea (east), Sibuyan Sea (south), and the South China Sea (west). To the north, the Luzon Strait separates Luzon from Taiwan.

 Most of the island, a roughly rectangular area, lies north of Manila in a north-south orientation; but south of Manila two peninsulas, Batangas and Bicol, extend south and southeast, giving Luzon its irregular shape. Luzon's coastline, more than 3,000 miles (5,000 km) long, is indented by many fine bays and gulfs, including Lingayen Gulf and Manila Bay on the west and Lamon Bay and Lagonoy Gulf on the east. Luzon (meaningbig light”) represents 35 percent of the land area of the Philippines, and its greatest dimensions are 460 by 140 miles (740 by 225 km). There is a predominant north-south trend in its rivers and relief features. The important ranges are the Cordillera Central in the north; the Sierra Madre, following much of the east coast; and the Zambales Mountains on the central-western coast. Mount Pulog (9,612 feet [2,930 m]) is the island's highest peak. Isolated volcanic cones such as the near-perfect and still-active Mayon Volcano (8,077 feet) are on Bicol Peninsula. Taal Lake is a crater lake, and Laguna de Bay is the largest (344 square miles [891 square km]) lake in the Philippines. The major rivers are Cagayan, Abra, Agno, Pampanga, and Bicol.

      In 1991 Mount Pinatubo (Pinatubo, Mount) in the Zambales Mountains, some 55 miles (90 km) northwest of Manila, erupted. The eruption altered the geography of the island's central plain, disrupting agriculture and displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

  Luzon leads the nation both in industry (concentrated near Manila) and in agriculture (rice, corn [maize], coconuts, sugarcane, mangoes, bananas). A central plain stretching 100 miles (160 km) north of Manila is the major grain-producing region. Farther north are the spectacular rice terraces of the Ifugao mountaineers. There are extensive coconut plantations on the Bondoc and Bicol peninsulas. Iron, gold, manganese, and copper are mined. Forest areas yield excellent hardwoods.

      In addition to Manila and Quezon City, the main cities are Pasay, Cabanatuan, Legaspi, Baguio, Batangas City, and Laoag. About half of the Filipino population lives on Luzon. Area 40,420 square miles (104,688 square km). Pop. (2007 prelim.) including adjoining islands, 46,883,800.

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Universalium. 2010.

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