
Char·i·ton (shărʹĭ-tn)
A river rising in southern Iowa and flowing about 451 km (280 mi) east then south to the Missouri River in northern Missouri.

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Greek author
flourished 1st century AD, Aphrodisias, Caria, Asia Minor

      Greek novelist, author of Chaereas and Callirhoë, probably the earliest fully extant romantic (Hellenistic romance) novel in Western literature. The romances of Chariton and of Achilles Tatius are the only ones preserved in a number of ancient papyri. The complex but clearly narrated plot concerns a husband and wife whose love is tested by a series of fast-moving, perilous adventures in Sicily, Persia, and Egypt, ending in eventual happiness. Historical persons (for example, Hermocrates of Syracuse, who was mentioned by the historian Thucydides in the 5th century BC) are introduced as characters but are treated with free invention. (See also Hellenistic romance.)

Additional Reading
Gareth L. Schmeling, Chariton (1974); Tomas Hägg, The Novel in Antiquity, rev. Eng. ed. (1983; originally published in Swedish, 1980).

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  • Chariton, IA — U.S. city in Iowa Population (2000): 4573 Housing Units (2000): 2155 Land area (2000): 3.693360 sq. miles (9.565759 sq. km) Water area (2000): 0.000000 sq. miles (0.000000 sq. km) Total area (2000): 3.693360 sq. miles (9.565759 sq. km) FIPS code …   StarDict's U.S. Gazetteer Places

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