
/ahrdd tee"gahs/, n.
José Gervasio /haw se" herdd vah"syaw/, 1764-1850, Uruguayan soldier and patriot.

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      city and river port, northwestern Uruguay. The city lies along the Cuareim River (Quaraí River in Brazil) across from Quaraí, Brazil, in the Santa Ana Hills (Santana Hills in Brazil). It was founded in 1852 as San Eugenio and was renamed in honour of José Gervasio Artigas, the national hero of independence. It is now a commercial and manufacturing centre for the surrounding agricultural and pastoral lands. Principal exports include cattle, jerked beef, wool, cereals, and fruit. The city has a television and a radio station. Artigas is linked by railroad and highway to Salto, and it has an airport.

      Artigas is situated in one of the least densely populated regions in the country. Like most of Uruguay, the surrounding area is ranching country. Its rolling, somewhat rocky pastures are good but subject to damaging droughts. There is some agriculture, with sugarcane, oranges, grapes, and corn (maize) being the principal crops. African slaves were imported into northwestern Uruguay in the 18th and 19th centuries. When slavery was abolished in the 19th century, most of the slaves were sold to Brazil, and the few remaining did not form a distinct ethnic community. By 1850, through intermarriage and warring with European settlers, the homogeneous Indian population had also vanished. Pop. (2004) 41,687.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Artigas — (José) (1764 1850) général uruguayen. Il battit les Esp. en 1811 et forma le premier gouv. uruguayen en 1815. Vaincu en 1820 par les Argentins et les Brésiliens, il se réfugia au Paraguay …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Artigas — 30.409722222222 56.472777777778121 Koordinaten: 30° 25′ S, 56° 28′ W …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Artigas — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Artigas (homonymie). Artigas …   Wikipédia en Français

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