
/ahr'teuh ruy"tis/, n.
inflammation of an artery.
[1830-40; ARTER(IO)- + -ITIS]

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Inflammation of the arteries.

It occurs in diseases including syphilis, tuberculosis, and lupus erythematosus. Varieties not closely associated with systemic disease or disease of an organ outside the cardiovascular system have been described as temporal arteritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, and polyarteritis nodosa.

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      inflammation of an artery or arteries. Arteritis may occur in a number of diseases, including syphilis, tuberculosis, pancreatic disease, serum sickness (a reaction against a foreign protein), and lupus erythematosus (a systemic disease that has also been attributed to some form of immune reaction).

      Temporal, or cranial, arteritis (also known as giant-cell arteritis), which involves inflammation of the temporal arteries and of other arteries in the cranial area, is of unknown cause, although it is usually preceded by an infection. Most persons affected are women in their 50s or older. The disease usually starts with a headache, which may be accompanied by pain in the scalp, face, jaws, and eyes (eye disease). The affected person may find it difficult to move her jaws because of deficiency of blood flow to the jaw muscles. Paralysis of the eye muscles— ophthalmoplegia—may cause the affected person to see double, a condition called diplopia. Fluid may collect in the retina and in the optic disk, the point at which the optic nerve enters the eyeball; this condition leads to vision loss in about 50 percent of those diagnosed. The disease may persist for as long as three years or may subside in a few months. The chief danger of temporal arteritis is its effect upon the eyes.

       polyarteritis nodosa (periarteritis nodosa) is a type of arteritis in which the arteries and surrounding tissue become inflamed. Fibrous nodules form along the medium-sized arteries that are affected. The course and symptoms of the disease vary, and the cause is unknown. Men are more susceptible than women. The condition is diagnosed by microscopic examination of inflamed tissue.

      Takayasu arteritis (pulseless disease) is a rare form of arteritis that affects the aorta and its branches. The disease frequently is found in people of Asian ancestry, and it is more common in women than men. Inflammation of the arteries eventually may block the supply of blood to the head, neck, the arms, and part of the body wall, which can result in blindness and paralysis. Most deaths from the disease result from damage to the heart muscle and to the brain.

      Temporal arteritis, polyarteritis nodosa, and Takayasu arteritis are treated with glucocorticoid drugs.

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