
/ar'euh kee"pah/; Sp. /ah'rdde kee"pah/, n.
a city in S Peru. 302,316.

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City (pop., 1998 est.: 710,103), southern Peru.

Located in the Andes Mountains at an elevation of 7,557 ft (2,303 m) at the foot of Misti Volcano (19,098 ft [5,821 m]), it has been subject to earthquakes, usually associated with volcanic activity, and was largely destroyed by an earthquake in 1868. In the Inca empire, Arequipa was an important point on the route from Cuzco to the seacoast. Modern Arequipa is the commercial centre of southern Peru.

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 city, southern Peru, in the Chili River valley of the Andes Mountains. Arequipa lies at more than 7,550 feet (2,300 metres) above sea level, at the foot of the dormant cone of Misti Volcano, which reaches an elevation of 19,098 feet (5,821 metres). Flanking Misti are Mounts Chachani and Pichupichu. Earthquakes have damaged the city several times, notably in 1600, 1868, 1958, 1979, and 2001. The air is dry, and the climate is pleasant, with an annual average temperature of 58 °F (14 °C) and annual precipitation of about 4 inches (100 mm). Rain falls mainly in December and January, at which time the normally tranquil Chili River swells and sometimes overflows its banks. The city's supply of drinking water comes largely from glacier-fed reservoirs and aqueducts.

      The city site has been occupied by various peoples for millennia. Under the Inca empire Arequipa was an important point on the route from Cuzco to the seacoast. The city was refounded in 1540 on orders from the conquistador Francisco Pizarro (Pizarro, Francisco) to establish a stronghold in the region, under the name Nuestra Señora de la Asunción del Valle Hermoso (“Our Lady of the Assumption of the Beautiful Valley”). Arequipa has produced many of the country's leading political and cultural figures, including novelist Mario Vargas Llosa (Vargas Llosa, Mario).

      Arequipa has earned the sobriquet Ciudad Blanca (“White City”) because sillar, a local white volcanic stone, is used in many of its buildings. The seat of an archbishopric, Arequipa has a cathedral (founded 1612; rebuilt c. 1845 and 1868) and several churches dating from the Spanish colonial period, including San Francisco (1552), San Agustín (1574), and La Compañia (1595), with its renowned Plateresque facades. Among the city's educational centres are the National University of San Agustín (1828) and the Catholic University of Santa María (1961). The historic city centre, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2000, was damaged by a powerful earthquake the following year. On August 15, Arequipa annually celebrates the anniversary of its founding, with a fair featuring non-lethal peleas (bullfights) between pairs of massive, dueling bulls.

      Arequipa has diversified industries and is a major processing centre for alpaca, llama, and sheep's wool. It is the commercial, political, and military centre of southern Peru, easily accessible by air, rail, and highway. Arequipa is also a popular tourist centre, with bathing resorts, hot springs, and Inca remains in the vicinity. The fertile soils of the surrounding district produce a variety of crops, notably corn (maize), asparagus, leeks, hot peppers (rocotos), and potatoes. Arequipa, with Peru's second largest metropolitan population (after Lima-Callao), has grown nearly fivefold since the 1960s, largely through in-migration from rural areas and from such smaller cities as Puno and Juliaca. Pop. (2005) 60,007.

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Universalium. 2010.

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