Vargas Llosa, Mario

Vargas Llosa, Mario

Peruvian author
in full  Jorge Mario Pedro Vargas Llosa 
born March 28, 1936, Arequipa, Peru
 Peruvian writer whose commitment to social change is evident in his novels, plays, and essays. In 1990 he was an unsuccessful candidate for president of Peru.

      Vargas Llosa received his early education in Cochabamba, Bolivia, where his grandfather was the Peruvian consul. He later attended a series of schools in Peru before entering a military school, Leoncio Prado, in Lima in 1950. His first published work was La huida del Inca (1952; “The Escape of the Inca”), a three-act play. Thereafter his stories began to appear in Peruvian literary reviews, and he coedited Cuadernos de composición (195657; “Composition Book”) and Literatura (195859). He worked as a journalist and broadcaster and attended the University of Madrid. In 1959 he moved to Paris, where he lived until 1966.

      Vargas Llosa's first novel, La ciudad y los perros (1963; “The City and the Dogs”; Eng. trans. The Time of the Hero), was widely acclaimed. Translated into more than a dozen languages, this novel, set in the Leoncio Prado Military School, describes adolescents striving for survival in a hostile and violent environment. The corruption of the military school reflects the larger malaise afflicting Peru. The book was filmed twice, in Spanish (1985) and in Russian (1986), the second time as Yaguar.

      The novel La casa verde (1966; The Green House), set in the Peruvian jungle, combines mythical, popular, and heroic elements to capture the sordid, tragic, and fragmented reality of its characters. Los cachorros (1967; The Cubs, and Other Stories, filmed 1973) is a psychoanalytical portrayal of an adolescent who has been accidentally castrated. Conversación en la catedral (1969; Conversation in the Cathedral) deals with Manuel Odría's regime (194856). The novel Pantaleón y las visitadoras (1973; “Pantaleón and the Visitors”; Eng. trans. Captain Pantoja and the Special Service, filmed 2000) is a satire of the Peruvian military and religious fanaticism. His semiautobiographical novel La tía Julia y el escribidor (1977; Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter, filmed 1990 as Tune in Tomorrow) combines two distinct narrative points of view to provide a contrapuntal effect.

      Vargas Llosa also wrote a critical study of the fiction of Gabriel García Márquez in García Márquez: Historia de un deicidio (1971; “García Márquez: Story of a God-Killer”), a study of Gustave Flaubert in La orgía perpetua: Flaubert yMadame Bovary (1975; The Perpetual Orgy: Flaubert and Madame Bovary), and a study of the works of Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus in Entre Sartre y Camus (1981; “Between Sartre and Camus”).

      After living three years in London, he was a writer-in-residence at Washington State University in 1969. In 1970 he settled in Barcelona. He returned to Lima in 1974 and lectured and taught widely throughout the world. A collection of his critical essays in English translation was published in 1978. La guerra del fin del mundo (1981; The War of the End of the World), an account of the 19th-century political conflicts in Brazil, became a best seller in Spanish-speaking countries. Three of his playsLa señorita de Tacna (1981; The Young Lady of Tacna), Kathie y el hipopotamo (1983; Kathie and the Hippopotamus), and La chunga (1986; “The Jest”; Eng. trans. La chunga)—were published in Three Plays (1990).

      In 1990 Vargas Llosa lost his bid for the presidency of Peru in a runoff against Alberto Fujimori, an agricultural engineer and the son of Japanese immigrants. Vargas Llosa wrote about this experience in El pez en el agua: memorias (1993; A Fish in the Water: A Memoir). He became a citizen of Spain in 1993 and was awarded the Cervantes Prize in 1994. Despite his new nationality, he continued to write about Peru in such novels as Los cuadernos de don Rigoberto (1997; The Notebooks of Don Rigoberto). His later works include the novels La fiesta del chivo (2000; The Feast of the Goat) and El paraíso en la otra esquina (2003; The Way to Paradise), as well as the nonfiction Cartas a un joven novelista (1997; Letters to a Young Novelist) and El lenguaje de la pasión (2001; The Language of Passion).

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Universalium. 2010.

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