
/an"teuh fon'/, n.
1. a verse or song to be chanted or sung in response.
2. Eccles.
a. a psalm, hymn, or prayer sung in alternate parts.
b. a verse or a series of verses sung as a prelude or conclusion to some part of the service.
[1490-1500; < ML antiphona responsive singing < Gk () antíphona, neut. pl. of ANTÍPHONOS sounding in answer, equiv. to anti- ANTI- + phon(é) sound + -os adj. suffix. Cf. ANTHEM]

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flourished с 480411 BC

Orator and statesman.

The first Athenian known to practice rhetoric professionally, he wrote speeches for others to give in court but was reluctant to appear in public debate. He may have instigated the revolution of the oligarchic Council of the Four Hundred, an attempt to seize the Athenian government in the midst of war. When the oligarchy fell, he defended his role in the overthrow in a speech called by Thucydides the greatest defense ever made, but he was nonetheless executed for treason.

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Greek writer and statesman
flourished c. 480411 BC, Athens

      orator and statesman, the earliest Athenian known to have taken up rhetoric as a profession. He was a logographos; i.e., a writer of speeches for other men to deliver in their defense in court, a function that was particularly useful in the climate of accusation and counter-accusation that prevailed in Athens at the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War, between Athens and Sparta.

      As a politician Antiphon was the prime mover in the anti-democratic revolution of the Four Hundred, an oligarchic council set up in 411 BC in an attempt to seize the Athenian government in the midst of war. Others may have been more conspicuous in the forefront of the political struggle, but Thucydides' (Thucydides) judgment in his History, when describing the revolution of the Four Hundred, is that it was Antiphonwho conceived the whole matter and the means by which it was brought to pass.” He was reluctant to put himself forward in public debate because, says Thucydides, he realized that his reputation for cleverness made him unpopular with the people. But when the regime of the Four Hundred fell, he defended himself in a speech Thucydides describes as the greatest ever made by a man on trial for his life. Nevertheless, the defense was unsuccessful and Antiphon was executed for treason.

      Fifteen of Antiphon's compositions survive, of which three, “On the murder of Herodes,” “On the Choreutes,” andAgainst a Stepmother,” were actually delivered in court. The remaining 12 speeches are arranged in three sets of four known as tetralogies, which were composed as exercises for the instruction of students. Each tetralogy consists of two speeches each for the defense and the prosecution in a homicide case.

      The 1st-century-BC teacher of rhetoric Dionysius of Halicarnassus selected Antiphon's work as an example of the austere in oratory. His language is dignified and he nowhere indulges in the personal abuse that characterizes many of the later orators. Even when he is dealing with actual events, however, he seems remote from the realities of the situation, and he makes no attempt to suit his speeches to the differing personalities of those who were to deliver them. An edition by K.J. Maidment in Minor Attic Orators, volume 1, is in the Loeb Classical Library with Greek text and English translation.

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