
/euh nem"euh nee'/, n.
1. any of various plants belonging to the genus Anemone, of the buttercup family, having petallike sepals and including several wild species with white flowers as well as others cultivated for their showy flowers in a variety of colors.
2. See sea anemone.
[1545-55; < L < Gk: lit., daughter of the wind, equiv. to ánem(os) wind + -one fem. patronymic suffix; see -ONE]

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Any of about 120 species of perennial plants that make up the genus Anemone, in the buttercup family, many of which are cultivated for their colourful flowers.

Though found throughout the world, anemones are most common in woodlands and meadows of the northern temperate zone. Many varieties of the tuberous poppylike anemone A. coronaria are grown for the garden and florist trade. Popular spring-flowering species include A. apennina, A. blanda, and A. pavonina. Other species, such as the Japanese anemone (A. hupehensis), are favourite border plants for autumn flowering. The European wood anemone, A. nemorosa, causes blistering of the skin and was once used as an ingredient in medicines. Anemones are also known colloquially as pasqueflowers or windflowers.

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also called  pasqueflower, or windflower 
 any of about 190 species of perennial plants constituting the genus Anemone of the buttercup family (Ranunculaceae). Many colourful varieties of the tuberous poppylike anemone, A. coronaria, are grown for the garden and florist's trade. Popular spring-flowering anemones, especially for naturalizing, are A. apennina, A. blanda, and A. pavonina. Other species, such as the Japanese anemone (A. hupehensis, or A. japonica), are favourite border plants for autumn flowering. Some species whose fruits bear a long plumose structure are placed in a separate section, Pulsatilla, often given the rank of genus. Anemones are distributed throughout the world but occur most commonly in woodlands and meadows of the North Temperate Zone. Many varieties are cultivated in gardens for their colourful flowers.

      The wood anemone of Europe, A. nemorosa, which bears white flowers, causes blistering of the skin and was formerly used as an ingredient in medicines. In North America, wood anemone refers to A. quinquefolia, a delicate plant with deeply cut leaves. Windflower, the English version of the Greek-derived anemone, refers to the fact that the flowers appear to be blown open by the wind. According to a Greek myth, as Adonis died, red anemones (A. coronaria) sprang up from his blood. In remembrance of this, red anemones are often known as Adonis flowers. The term pasqueflower (from Old French pasque, Easter) refers to such floral emblems of Easter as A. patens, A. pratensis, and A. pulsatilla.

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