
/an'euh stay"zheuh, ah'neuh stah"sheuh/; Russ. /u nu stah"syi yeuh/, n.
1. Nikolaievna Romanov Russ. /nyi ku lah"yiv neuh rddu mah"neuhf/, Grand Duchess, 1901-?, daughter of Nicholas II: believed executed by the Bolsheviks in 1918 with other members of the Romanov family.
2. a female given name.

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Russian Anastasiya Nikolayevna

born June 18, 1901, Peterhof, Russia
died July 16/17, 1918, Yekaterinburg

Grand duchess of Russia and youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II.

She was executed at age 17 with the other members of her immediate family by the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917. After the executions several women outside Russia claimed her identity, making her the subject of periodic popular conjecture and publicity. Some also claimed to be heir to the Romanov fortune held in Swiss banks. The most famous was Anna Anderson (d. 1984), a Pole married to a U.S. history professor; her claim was finally rejected in 1970, and later genetic tests proved there was no connection between Anderson and the Romanovs.

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Russian duchess
Russian  in full Anastasiya Nikolayevna  
born June 18 [June 5, Old Style], 1901, Peterhof [now Petrodvorets], near St. Petersburg, Russia
died July 16/17, 1918, Yekaterinburg

      grand duchess of Russia and the youngest daughter of Tsar Nicholas II, last emperor of Russia.

      Anastasia was killed with the other members of her immediate family in a cellar where they had been confined by the Bolsheviks following the October Revolution. But after the executions several women outside Russia claimed her identity, making her the subject of periodic popular conjecture and publicity. Each claimed to have survived the execution and managed to escape from Russia, and some claimed to be heir to the Romanov fortune held in Swiss banks. Perhaps the most famous of these claimants was a woman who called herself Anna Anderson (and whom critics alleged to be one Franziska Schanzkowska, a Pole), who married an American history professor, J.E. Manahan, in 1968 and lived her final years in Virginia, U.S., dying in 1984. In the years up to 1970 she sought to be established as the legal heir to the Romanov fortune; but, in that year, West German courts finally rejected her suit and awarded a remaining portion of the imperial fortune to the duchess of Mecklenberg. In the 1990s, genetic tests undertaken on tissues from Anderson and on the exhumed remains of the royal family established no connection between her and the Romanovs and instead supported her identification with Schanzkowska.

      The story of a surviving Anastasia provided the germ of a French play, Anastasia, written by Marcelle-Maurette (190972) and first produced in 1954. An American film version appeared in 1956, with Ingrid Bergman winning an Academy Award for her title role.

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