Amesha Spenta

Amesha Spenta
/ah"me sheuh spen"teuh/, Zoroastrianism.
any of the personified attributes of Ahura Mazda. Also called Spenta Amesha.
[ < Avestan, equiv. to amesha angel + spenta good]

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In Zoroastrianism, any of the six divine beings (three male, three female) created by Ahura Mazda to help govern creation.

They are worshiped separately, and each has a special month, festival, and flower. The most important are Asha Vahishta ("Truth"), who presides over the sacred fire and holds out the path of justice and spiritual knowledge, and Vohu Manah ("Good Mind"), who welcomes the blessed into paradise. Khshathra Vairya ("Desirable Dominion") presides over metal, Spenta Armaiti ("Beneficent Devotion") over earth, and Haurvatat ("Wholeness") and Ameretat ("Immortality") over water and plants. In later Zoroastrianism, each is opposed by a specific archfiend.

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Avestanbeneficent immortalPahlavi  amshaspend 

      in Zoroastrianism, any of the six divine beings or archangels created by Ahura Mazdā, the Wise Lord, to help govern creation. Three are male, three female. Ministers of his power against the evil spirit, Ahriman, they are depicted clustered about Ahura Mazdā on golden thrones attended by angels. They are the everlasting bestowers of good. They are worshipped separately and are said to descend to service on paths of light. Each has a special month, festival, and flower and presides over an element in the world order. In later Zoroastrianism each is opposed by a specific archfiend.

      Of the six, Asha Vahishta and Vohu Manah are by far the most important. Asha Vahishta (Avestan: Excellent Order, or Truth) is the lawful order of the cosmos according to which all things happen. He presides over fire, sacred to the Zoroastrians as the inner nature of reality. To the devotee he holds out the path of justice and spiritual knowledge. Vohu Manah (Avestan: Good Mind) is the spirit of divine wisdom, illumination, and love. He guided Zoroaster's soul before the throne of heaven. He welcomes the souls of the blessed in paradise. Believers are enjoined tobring down Vohu Manah in your lives on Earththrough profound love in marriage and toward one's fellowman. He presides over domestic animals. Khshathra Vairya (Desirable Dominion), who presides over metal, is the power of Ahura Mazdā's kingdom. The believer can realize this power in action guided by Excellent Order and Good Mind. Spenta Armaiti (Beneficent Devotion), the spirit of devotion and faith, guides and protects the believer. She presides over Earth. Haurvatāt (Wholeness or Perfection) and Ameretāt (Immortality) are often mentioned together as sisters. They preside over water and plants and may come to the believer as a reward for participation in the natures of the other amesha spentas.

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Universalium. 2010.

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